I laughed.
"Where would you bite me?"

"Right here"He pointed to his lips.

"Like that's ever gonna happen"I replied.

"Why not?"

"Your gonna kill me with those vampire teeth of yours."

"No I'm not.I promise.I won't hurt you."

"I don't know about that Carter."I said,staring off in to space.

"What do you mean?I'm not gonna hurt you."He whispered.

"I know but when I'm on the force and we defend ourselves...they don't get revenge."I said slowly,hoping he would catch on.

"Well I'm not on the force and I wanna bite those lips of yours.So what's it gonna be?"

"You know the answer.why ask?"

Carter shrugged,leaning close to me.

"Back up 18 year old."I replied.

Carter chuckled,licking his lips.I shook my head, trying not to laugh.

"Please?"I felt his breath on my neck.Was it weird to say that I shivered just a little bit.

I looked up at him and for some reason I didn't wanna resist this time.What is one bite gonna do?

I nodded.


"Yeah.Just get it over with."

Carter grinned and started leaning in.He took my chin in his finger and pulled me close to him.And then...
I pulled away.

I'm sorry it just felt wrong.

"Im not gonna hurt you.Well not that bad at least."He smirked.

I exhaled.Okay.Its fair.I elbowed him so he should do something in return.Kinda like pranks when I'm at work.

"Okay.Im good".

So we tried again.Once I was close enough,he bit my bottom lip and pulled at it.I was about to moan so I pushed him away.

"Okay that's enough"I laughed awkwardly.

"Did it hurt?"He asked,blinking his eyes at me.

"Yea.It did.You promised it wouldn't.Such a liar."

Carter grinned."Just a little bit.I wasn't even finished."

My face instantly changed to shock.He wasn't done what else could he possibly do?

Even from what he did so far,was really really good.I don't expect to like it?What's the revenge in that?

I don't know when but Carter and I simultaneously took a nap on the bed.And I woke up screaming.

"Yaz,you okay baby?"Carter mumbled.

I yawned.I don't even know what I dreamnt about.

Carter moved close and wrapped his hands around me.Mind you he was behind me.So I was way too up and personal with him.But I just didn't have the energy to move.He was really comfortable.

"Go back to sleep."he whispered.So I did.

When I did actually wake up,my leg was sprawled on Carter and my head on his chest.Woah.What the hell?What happened last night?Did we even wake up from our nap?

I was about to move when Carter opened his eyes."Why are we like this?"he said in a raspy voice.Okay I'm not gonna lie his morning voice is sexy.I would've mentioned that before but I didn't think it was necessary.

"I don't know.I should just-"

I lifted my leg but Carter put it back.

"Don't move."He commanded.


"Shut up and lay with me."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Excuse me?Who you think you talking to like that?"I asked,my ghettoness beginning to come out.

"Sorry baby."Carter muttered.

But I didn't move.We stayed like that for who knows how long.

I should dead have a ship name for them
*Carmin(I like this)
Xoxo Nia

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