Chapter 13: Will We Figure This Out?

Start from the beginning

"I know." I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I couldn't sleep."

"I'm sorry." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "But you have to go."

"Come with me." I blurted, taking a step closer.

Violet's eyes narrowed in confusion. "What?"

The urge to grab her hand was strong. "I want you to go for a drive with me."

"Right now?"

I nodded once.

"I can't just leave right now—"

"It's not long. I just want to talk." I rushed. "Just give me a couple of hours."

Her face softened as she searched my eyes. "Two hours."

We walked back around the house and down two more houses to find my car. She didn't ask, I didn't tell. I'm assuming she can guess why though. We got inside and I started the car before backing out and heading in a new direction.

Did I know where I was going? Not a clue. But I got her here and she's willing to talk to me. That's at least something.

It was quiet for a while.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Violet leaning her elbow against the door with her head in her palm. She wasn't saying anything. Hasn't even looked in my direction since she got in the car.

But I continued to drive, not saying a word.

After twenty minutes on a secluded road with no activity on it, I pulled over to the shoulder and parked the car. All you could hear were the crickets chirping. The moon was a bright overcast, nothing but grass surrounded the road, and we were completely and utterly alone.

Violet shifted in her seat. "What are we doing out here?"

"It's quiet." I replied and looked at her.

"I almost thought you brought me out here to leave me."

I had to laugh a little. "There's cows out that way," I pointed, "At least you wouldn't starve."

She smiled a little, but it faltered quickly. "What did you want to talk about?"

"What do you think, Vi?" I dropped my hands in my lap, "You haven't talked to me, you barely look at me, and...I don't know..."

Violet started shaking her head. "It shouldn't have happened." Her voice was soft, but I could hear a slight strain.


"Don't ask me that." She said, her tone stronger.

"I need answers."

She shook her head again. "I can't give you the answers you want, James."

My heart stuttered. "Did you feel what I felt?"

"Don't..." She breathed while she absentmindedly picked at her fingers, "Whatever happened on that hill, you need to forget about it. Nothing good can come out of this."

"You don't know that." I said, my voice stronger than before.

"But I do know that." She continued looking down at her hands, "There are a lot of things I can handle, James..." She finally looked up from her hands and caught my gaze, "You're not one of them."

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