21. Confession

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So I realised a little oopsie I made in the previous chapters. Kai Omega is supposed to be Chi Omega (I'm new to the whole Greek thing). For the sake of the book, however, the fraternity will still be named Kai Omega, mostly because I'm too lazy to change it.

Thank you so much for choosing to read this in order to avoid the perils of life. We love you much :)


I woke up in a cold and empty room, almost like a morgue, except I wasn't dead.

At least, not yet.

I shivered from the morbid thought that flashed through my mind, and slowly got up to close the window that the cool morning breeze had entered from. Calum had already left for class, and since I had a later one, I had slept through him leaving. Charlie and Blue had probably left as well.

I took a shower and changed into clothes I had brought with me when I had made the noble decision to temporarily leave Alpha Rho. Part of me knew that we couldn't avoid the house forever; Charlie was the head and her absence must have raised many eyebrows and left room for many unanswered questions.

We had to go back, and soon.

I slipped on my boots and made my way to the kitchen, scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed as I waited for the coffee maker to do its thing. A bright, smiling picture of Stacey halted my scrolling, and I couldn't help but read the messages of encouragement from her friends and the loving ones from her parents and family members.

"Err... Hey."

My breath hitched in my throat and I almost dropped my phone as Jax suddenly made an appearance.

"Hi," I managed to return his greeting, and then exited Facebook and locked my phone screen.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit shaken up," he asked with concern in his eyes.

I didn't make eye contact as I got a coffee mug out of the cupboard. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive. Jax?" I turned to face him, unsure of how to phrase my next question so I just blurted it out. "Who knows about us?"

"It's no one. I promise you that I sorted it out."

I didn't like how opaque he was being about the truth. It made me doubt a lot of what he said. What if the person he told was actually the murderer, and Jax didn't know how dangerous this person was? What if he was unknowingly giving the murderer blackmail material?

"If Calum finds out from someone who isn't me -"

"Wait," Jax's expression revealed how shocked he was. "You're planning on telling him?"

"I have t -"

"You can't." He ran a hand nervously through his hair and leaned against the kitchen table, his biceps flexing. "He'll disown us, Delta. How did it ever make sense in your mind to tell Calum?"

"It made sense to you once before," I retorted.

"Yeah, but that was when I thought you loved me. If you tell him, I'll have no one left."

"That's not true. You'll still have me," I sat down on a stool opposite to where he was standing. "And Charlie."

"With Charlie it's... complicated."

I didn't know what to say after that, unsure of whether or not I should have continued to question him about it. I was confused myself, with a lot of questions I wanted answered. But he didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it.

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