9. The Wrong Blonde

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A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading. View goals for next update: 50 reads and 8 votes (minimum). Jax in the picture above.

Blue's POV

Before our classes started, Delta and I went to the Dean's office to see if we could get anything else out of him. He could easily give even a little sign at anything and that's all we needed.

We walked up to the secretary's desk and Delta started talking.

"Good morning. We would like to see Mr Hoffman please."

"I'm afraid he's not coming in today. You can leave a message."

"It's important and we need to speak to him in person. When will he be back?" I urged. We couldn't just leave a message.

"I'm not sure. He didn't say."

"Do you have an address or phone number maybe?" Delta queried.

"Uhmmm... I'm not allowed to give that information out. I could get fired."

"Please? We won't tell that it was you," I was desperate now.

"Yeah, we promise. It's really important," Delta helped.

"Fine. I can see that you're good girls and that you really need it. His address is 310 Boomerang Street, Sunset Manor."

"Thank you so much!" I could hear the satisfaction in Delta's voice as I scribbled the address down.

All we had to do now was find a way to get the Dean to listen to us.


I was lying on the grass listening to Imagine Dragons, typing my Criminology notes on my laptop. It wasn't a very appealing part of my day but it needed to be done.

After about 20 minutes of successfully concentrating I was distracted by my thoughts. I started off by asking myself how the tree I was leaning on grew the way it did and it lead me to thinking about the investigation.

I guess it's helping me for when, or rather if I become a Forensic Scientist. Also Vanessa can't go down like that.

Ever since we started the investigation my mind has been reeling. If LAPD couldn't solve it then how could we? What are the legal implications for what we're doing and going to do in the future?

While staring at nothing in particular someone jumped in front of me. It seemed like they jumped out of the tree but that didn't matter as they successfully startled me.

"Oh hi, didn't see you there, te rangatira."

"I should have guessed. Can't you leave me alone, Luke? I swear I'm not interesting," I replied sarcastically, "and why do you still call me that? You know my name now," my music was now paused.

"Oh trust me, I know you're not interesting and I'm not here for you. I'm not interested in conversing with you either. And where's the fun in calling you by your name?"

"Drop the act, Luke. I can see right through this bad boy thing you're putting up," at this point I tried making myself look preoccupied so that he could go away but he just stood there.

"Oh come on te rangatira. It's not like you're any better. And besides this is who I am. It's not an act."

"What do you mean? I don't go around making everyone hate me and stay away from me when deep down that's not what I want," I spat, glaring at him. My blood was boiling and all I wanted to do was rip his throat out.

"And who says that's not what I want? You don't know shit about me."

"You're right, I don't know you and I wish I never bumped into you. Just leave, Luke," I was fed up and this is exactly what he wanted, to make my life miserable.

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