12. Flings and Things

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To avoid any confusion, Delta's POV is a flashback to the night of the incident.

Picture above is of Vanessa. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Enjoy!

Delta's POV

May 29 2014

"And here's yours," Michael grinned at Blue as he handed her a glass of some lethal alcoholic drink he was handing out to everyone. I'd learned my lesson with Michael's concoctions at previous parties. Parties that didn't end particularly well.

The end of year Alpha Rho bash was in full force even though it was still pretty early. A group of us were sitting on miscellaneous furniture scattered unsystematically on the lawn in front of the massive house in an attempt to get away from the suffocating noise for a while.

"Truth or dare," Penelope suddenly said, halting the various conversations taking place within the group.

"That's so high school, P," Vanessa rolled her eyes but smiled excitedly anyway. "But dare."

"Someone's feeling audacious," Calum teased, taking a seat next to me after returning from wherever he'd been.

"This should be interesting," Jax said after gulping down half of his beer.

We were a random bunch of people, mainly brought together by the power of mutual friends. Blue and I knew Michael, Ashton, Calum and Charlie. Calum was Jax's friend and Charlie was friends with Vanessa. Michael was friends with anyone and everyone, so it wasn't all that surprising that he'd graced us with his dynamic presence.

"I dare you to write something really mean on The Tree," Penelope finally spoke up after thinking for what seemed like hours.

"That's a shitty dare," Blue wasted no time in giving her opinion.

I glanced around the group for Charlie, not having seen her in a while. She did mention that she wasn't feeling too well, so I decided to go check up on her.

"I'm gonna go look for Charlie," I said softly to Calum as the rest of our friends argued about Penelope's horrible daring skills.

"Okay," he smiled back. "Want me to come with?"

"No, it's okay."

I adjusted my jeans as soon as I got up - skinny jeans were not exactly sweatpants. A little breeze caught my hair and I couldn't help but appreciate the fact that summer was walking up our front steps, ready to knock on the door.

I entered the packed house, unable to even hear my thoughts, the music was so loud. After dodging a spilled drink, a drunk girl who lost her ability to stand, and an idiot asking for my number, I finally made it up the steps and to Charlie's room.

The room's light was off but the outline of the bathroom door was illuminated.

"Charlie?" I said, knocking lightly on the door. There was no response so I opened to find Charlie washing her hands. "Oh, sorry, I just wanted to check if you're okay."

"Oh, hey," she smiled, drying her hands on a towel by the shower. "I'm good. The overbearing atmosphere down there just got to me."

She put a little orange container of pills in her cabinet above the sink before turning to me. "I'll be out in a second, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled back at her, turning around and leaving the room. Jax was hovering when I closed the door behind me.

"And you're here because...?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

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