10. 310

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A/N: No viewing requirements for this chapter. Updates will be made once a week until October. We have entered our book into the Wattys and need as many votes and reads as possible. Thanks for reading.

Delta's POV


I turned my attention from the bypass surgery taking place in the theatre below me to the girl sitting next to me.

"Hey, Stacey. What's up?" I whispered back.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your notes from yesterday's class?" she asked a little nervously as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's just that I couldn't make it because something came up and I heard Professor Edwards covered the work we need for next week's paper..."

I pretended to listen as she carried on babbling. Honestly, I was kind of annoyed. She never did anything constructive in classes anyway, and I needed my notes to study. But I agreed, just to get her to shut up.

I sat with eight other students in the viewing room watching a surgery at a hospital off campus. This was as close to practical as we'd gotten and I didn't want to miss anything.

"A bit of a handful, isn't she?" Adam, another one of my fellow students, leaned towards me and said quietly.

"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes and we laughed softly.

After the class I unlocked Blue's car and got inside before dropping my back pack on the passenger seat. I checked my phone to see eight missed calls and five texts from Calum, begging me not to forget to pick him and Blue up.

I started the engine and dialled his number.

"Blue and I have literally been waiting forever, where are you?" Calum answered on the first ring.

"Hello to you too," I replied sarcastically. "Your class ended like five minutes ago, dude." I sighed as I checked my rear view mirror before reversing out of the parking space.

"Really?" I could almost see Calum's confused, dorky expression. "It feels like forever since I saw you. Come get me," Calum whined overdramatically.

"Oh, shut up," I laughed, shaking my head at his childish behaviour. "Can I talk to Blue for a sec?"

"No, what if I want to speak with you?" he protested.


"Why don't you just call her on her phone?"

"I'm driving, I can't look away from the road, you idiot."

"You're being mean, I'm not giving it to h -"

I heard a scuffle, some shouting, a girly squeal and an evil laugh before the sound of Blue's voice saying, "Hey."

I pulled into campus and was driving passed the library when I saw a familiar and freakishly tall blonde walking on the sidewalk. It was literally all you needed to become a Victoria's Secret model.

I was jealous.

"Delta?" Blue asked in an annoyed tone, still waiting for me to respond.

"Never mind, I'll see you soon. Bye," I quickly said, ending the call before she could reply.

I slowly pulled up next to Luke, and opened the window.

"Luke?" I called and he immediately stopped walking and looked in my direction. He smiled politely and walked over, leaning by the open window.

"Hi, uhm, Blue's friend?" he responded.

"This is gonna sound a little weird, but we kind of need your help again," I said, getting right down to business and ignoring all formalities. "Get in?"

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