20. Midnight

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So just to make things clearer, what happens in Delta's POV is 2 days after what happens in Blue's.


I watched from my place beside Delta as Calum and Michael wrapped the plastic pool cover around the corpse, and winced as her head knocked on the concrete floor.

"Are you guys ready?" Calum asked coming to Delta and I, putting a hand on her back. She locked eyes with him and gave a small nod.

"Can I please not carry the body? It freaks me out," Charlie said pulling a face as she looked at it.

"That's okay, I don't think it's that heavy that all of us need to carry it anyway," Calum replied sympathetically. He made his way over to the body and the rest of us followed but I stopped and stuffed a measuring tap in my pocket.

I crouched down and picked her head up cradling it in my arms while Ashton took her legs and Calum and Delta each went to one of her sides.

Michael awkwardly looked around not knowing where he should help and soon gave up once Delta spoke up.

"Its okay, Mikey. I think we've got this. You can walk in front of us and get Charlie to help you carry the shovels. Once we get to the tree you can count the 200 steps."

"Okay, just say when and if you need any help."

Seeing as I was already facing my back to the door I was forced to walk backwards meaning that I would also have to gracefully ascend the stairs without knowing what I was doing.

Michael went up first followed closely by a very scared and tired looking Charlie. I desperately searched for something else to think about other than the fact that my friends and I were currently getting rid of a fellow student's body with a possible serial killer on the loose, but nothing came to mind.

We exited the basement and locked the door. No one could go there yet until we discarded everything that was used for the fake murder.

We all tried walking quickly but quietly to the back door which was in the kitchen. All I could hear was the soft taps of our shoes on the freshly polished tiles and the sound of my heart trying to escape from my chest.

As we approached the kitchen a soft thud was audible. We immediately stopped in our tracks and Michael turned to us signalling that he would go check it out. He pressed his back against the wall and walked to the doorway quickly peering around the corner.

"Shit! There's someone in there!" He whispered, coming closer to us.

Delta let go of her grip, clearly shocked at our current situation and I couldn't help but feel numb. What if they caught us and turned us in as murderers? I couldn't think about that as the body became heavier now that Delta released it and Calum, Ashton and I struggled and succeeded in keeping it up for only two seconds.

"Dammit, Delta! Warn us next time you're gonna let a dead body drop to the floor!" Ashton whisper shouted as the body dropped to the ground.

She was about to reply when we heard someone speak and soon Riley was washed by the moonlight and we all stood frozen watching her.

"What... What are you guys doing? Michael, why are you here? What's going on?" She asked with a clear look of confusion etched on her face.

"This is a dream, Riley. Go back to bed," Michael tried.

"I'm not five, Michael. That doesn't work on me. Just tell me what's going on and what that is," she pointed to the lifeless body on the floor at my feet.

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