18. Threats

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I ended the call and shoved my phone into my back pocket, slowly turning to face the rest, shocked at what I just heard.

"Blue? What is it? You look like Elvis just walked into the room," Delta asked.

"Its Michael. He was arrested. I'm not sure why but he said he's sorry and that he didn't mean to do it. He said it wasn't the first time," I choked out. My throat was dry and tightening, breathing was becoming a problem.

"You're not thinking that he did it, are you?" Calum said with a slight laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Well, isn't it weird how this happened at the same time? It couldn't be a coincidence, could it?" Charlie added.

"Guys, it's Mikey. The guy who had cotton candy pink hair. Do you really think he'd do that?" Ashton was either right or in denial.

"We can't just rule the possibility out. What do we do though?" I wasn't sure what to think but for Michael's sake I hoped it was nothing.

"Well, we have to-" Delta started but was cut off by Charlie.

"What the fuck? Guys you need to see this," when I looked at her, tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to spill at any second. She turned her phone towards us and we all read the text she received.

From: Private Number

You weren't supposed to see that. Tell the police and one of you will be next.

It sent shivers down my spine and I quickly scanned my surroundings. Was it the murderer? Could it be the same person who killed Vanessa? So many unanswered questions with not much time to find answers.

My train of thought was then broken when Delta spoke.

"Guys we need to get to Michael and find out what's happening. If he is in jail then it's not what we think it's for because how could he send that message?"

"I'll go to the police station," I said, not sure if it was because I wanted to leave or if I was more worried about Michael.

"I'll go with you, the rest of you stay here and find a solution for this problem," Ashton gestured towards the body closing it with the pool table's cover.

The drive was silent with Ashton changing the song every few seconds. I couldn't care less as my mind was too packed with other information. It felt like it was going into overdrive. Once my hands started cramping I realised that my grip on the steering wheel was deadly and my knuckles were white.

"Hey, Blue? Can I ask you something?" Ashton said, sounding like a five year old afraid to ask his parents for a new toy. I now loosened my grip, not wanting to worry him.

I didn't say anything but nodded for him to continue.

"What's going on between you and Luke?" The annoyance thick when he said Luke's name.

"Nothing," I snapped, "and even if there was anything going on, I don't need your approval. You had your chance, Ashton, and we both knew that it would never last. And besides, he's a good guy," I only realised what I said once it was out. Well it's true, he is a good guy but that doesn't mean I like him does it?

Ashton remained quiet. I was harsh on him but he did bring up a subject that the school in my head did not offer. I let myself calm down a bit and then I apologised.

"I'm sorry. This whole investigation has me really tense but that shouldn't be an excuse. I didn't mean for it to come out like that but I don't want to talk about it. Delta already pushed a bit too hard and I don't need more from you right now."

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