16. Hoax

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This chapter is dedicated to tictacattack for her very nice feedback.

In other news don't you think Delta is the luckiest girl? (Picture above) #calumisasexymofo


I trudged into my room later that day. I didn't get get much sleep the previous night. The bags more prominent than the Eiffel Tower.

I made my way to our mini fridge and pulled out the last Monster. I needed as much energy as I could muster to get me through the rest of the day.

My phone made its unique tune signalling that I was receiving a text. I pulled it out of my pocket while I sipped on the green energy drink.

From: Delta

I'm in the dining hall. Come down.

I groaned slightly sliding my phone back and exited the room. I passed girls in the hallway fangirling over some new singer called Shawn Mendes while others seemed a bit too excited for life itself.

I finally got to the dining hall and pushed the large wooden doors open to reveal Delta, but she wasn't alone.

"What's he doing here?" I questioned with a slight scowl.

"Uhmmm... he's here to help?" Delta said sounding confused.

"What do we need his help with?"

"Calm down, Blue. What has gotten into you?"

I turned to Luke and he was trying not to look up. He just sat there staring at the table with a blank expression.

Back to where we started. My subconscious informed me but I ignored it.

"Nothing," I mumbled taking a seat next to Delta.

"So, Luke. Can we open up a case against Mr Morris?" She either ignored what I said or didn't hear me.

"Well, it depends on what evidence you have against him."

"He was rumoured to be dating Vanessa and his car was parked outside of the sorority the night that she was murdered. He also knew things about the investigation that wasn't made public and claims that he has a friend that's a detective that told him," she answered him.

"That's not enough. Rumours are not enough, you need hard evidence, facts. His car could've been there coincidently and maybe he does have a detective friend. You can't make a case with what you have at the moment. I suggest getting something else, with more proof."

I thought about everything he said and he was right. The problem was where would we get this information from?

"Thanks Luke," Delta gave him a small smile.

"No problem. Can I leave now?" He was staring at me directly in my eyes and even though I tried I couldn't look away. Emotion flashed over his face for what seemed like a split second and I pinned it as hurt.

"Uhmm... Sure," Delta answered him looking at the two of us, "I'll call you if we need you."

With that he broke our eye contact and left.

"What was that about? I thought you guys were fine," Delta questioned while gathering her things.

"I pushed him away. I need to concentrate on certain things and there's just not enough time to think about him." I'm not sure if I was trying to convince Delta or myself more.

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