19. Unknown

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Hello. We're back!!! So we are really sorry for the long wait. Because you waited this long and since this chapter is a bit shorter than usual we're double updating. Yaaay! So enjoy Chapters 19 and 20.


"Shit! There's someone in there!" Michael whispered to the rest of us, backing away from the kitchen doorway.

His sudden movement caught us all off guard, and I lost my grip on the thin plastic fabric. The moonlight momentarily flashed across Blue's face, the horror evident as she, Calum and Ashton struggled to hold onto the dead weight without my help.

"Dammit, Delta! Warn us next time you're gonna let a dead body drop to the floor!" Ashton exclaimed, but still trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Who's there?" a voice sounded from the kitchen, followed by the squeak of a stool being pushed back from the table.

Who would be down here at 1am on a week night?

I cringed as Calum swore under his breath, searching frantically for a hiding place. But there wasn't much you could do to conceal an adult corpse.

My heart pounded in my chest as we all stood frozen, panicked to the bone. Charlie looked like she was going to throw up and Blue was turning paler by the second. The guys were trying to keep calm but were all failing miserably.

The old, hardwood kitchen door screeched slightly as it was slowly pulled open.

"What are you guys doing here?

[7 Hours Earlier]

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Ashton asked, folding his arms and leaning against the pool table.

After I'd searched for the keys in Charlie's room, or at least tried to search, I decided to return to the basement empty-handed. Ashton, Blue and Michael were back from their field trip to the police station, and I desperately needed to speak to Blue about the video.

"Calum and I will go get his laptop so we can try and trace this bastard and end him," I said, emotionlessly staring at the silhouette of the corpse lying limply on the cold, concrete floor.

"Do we have a back-up?" Michael asked, examining the ropes Stacey was hanged with.

"Don't need one," I shrugged, grabbing my phone and turning to exit the room. Calum put his jacket on and followed me outside to his car.

The ride was silent except for the soft sound of the engine, and Calum nervously tapping on the steering wheel every few seconds. We pulled up to his building and walked up to his floor, both tense and nervous.

I couldn't look at him without feeling guilty. I needed to tell him.

But there was already so much happening. We were all stressed about finding a dead body hanging from our basement ceiling. I was scared. Scared of what the killer was going to do next, scared of how Calum was going to take the news that I'd kissed his best friend.

"Hey guys," Jax looked a little surprised as we entered the kitchen. He was sitting on a stool, his laptop on a table in front of him, and he was shirtless. Big surprise.

We both greeted before slipping through to Calum's room where he grabbed his back pack and put his laptop in it.

"Got everything?" I asked as he did a final scan of the room before walking over to where I stood at his bedroom door.

The light cast an eerie glow on everything and seemed to intensify our dire situation even more. Calum slowly placed his hands on my shoulders, and I looked up into his concerned dark brown eyes.

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