3. Necropsy

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A/N: Hey guys. So like we're only high school students so if there are any technicalities that are wrong please excuse us. And the next chapter will only be posted once this one get at least 30 reads and 5 votes. If there's more even better!! So vote, share and comment

Blue's POV

Instead of going to Alpha Rho after our last class of the day, Delta and I decided to meet at the cafeteria at exactly 15:30. We needed somewhere to talk about something really important without any of our friends being around.

I walked in and found Delta sitting at the table in the back.

"Hey, how was your Physics class?" I asked knowing it was the class she liked the least.

She sighed, "Okay, I guess. It's still a pain in the ass though but I don't wanna talk about that now. So have you thought about it?"

"Yes. I really do want that autopsy report, but Mr Morris said to tell no one. There has to be a reason for that," I slowly sat down across from her.

"What's the worst that could happen? Whoever we tell might be the murderer's ally and then they come for us? And besides Blue, it's just Calum."

"Yeah, but we can do it ourselves can't we?"

"Yes, because a Medical major and Forensic Science major can hack into the police files," she was clearly being sarcastic. "We need Calum, I know it and I know you do too. Come on Blue, I'm not doing this without you."

I put my head in my hands, shaking it. We stayed silent for a while. My mind racing as my thoughts collided with one another. This was a bad idea and yet my answer was completely different.

"Fine. But only Calum. We can't drag anyone else into this," I was now looking at her.

"Only Calum," Delta promised with a slight smirk on her face.

"So what's the plan?"

"We don't need one. It's not like we're going to break into the police department. All that's going to happen is Calum hacks into their files and gets the autopsy."

"What if he gets caught? What will happen then?"

"Since the case was closed and the cause of death should've been released, nothing major can happen if he is caught. You can prove that they were incompetent and that it's your right to know," a strange accent said from behind me.

Delta looked up at whoever it was while I stayed still. His voice sending chills down my spine. I slowly turned around and was immediately met by the bluest eyes I'd ever seen, but unfortunately they belonged to an absolute douche.

"He talks," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "What are you even doing here?"

"Well, I heard damsels in distress and being the Prince Charming I am, I decided to rescue them," he answered. He was arrogant beyond words. Jerk!

"You sure didn't seem to care when we collided yesterday."

"Yeah well, I had better things to do," he said with a smirk.

"I don't mean to intrude but who are you?" Delta questioned.

"Luke," he simply stated. So that's his name.

"Okay, Luke, how do you know all of that? What you said earlier about how LAPD can't do anything?" she continued. I just sat there not wanting to talk to him.

"We all have our secrets."

"Well then, thanks?" Delta was clearly unsure of what to say. She then turned to me, "Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you later."

Biochemistry 101 [5SOS AU] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat