1. Proposition

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A/N: Hi guys. Welcome to Biochemistry 101. We are 2 authors, Robyn and Stacey. We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoy writing it and it will become really interesting. Please vote, comment and share. It'll literally take you 5 seconds; )


What time is it? Definitely not summer time seeing as I was once again standing at the front door of Alpha Rho.

I made my way inside to the bedroom that Delta and I shared on the second floor. The time I took to climb the stairs felt like I was climbing Mount Everest. I just had to carry everything up at once.

When I finally finished my long trek and made it to the room the door was already open and this could only mean one thing. Delta was already here!

"Hey!!" I called as I dropped my things to go hug her, even though we saw each other a few times during summer vacation.

"Hi," she said hugging me. "We need to be downstairs in a few for a meeting, so get your things in here."

Delta and I met up with a few of the other girls as we all went down to the dining hall. It was a massive room with a long oak table in the middle and amazingly comfortable chairs and the place where we not only had dinner but also meetings.

Once we were all seated Charlie entered the room and sat at the head of the table.

"Good afternoon all. The reason for me being here, in this seat, is because of the event that took place last semester. As much as it pains me though, without a leader there will be no Alpha Rho," Charlie started.

She went on to welcome us all back and of course wish the newbies well.


Today was not my day. I overslept and if I didn't sprint to my first class I would be late. I ran around the campus dodging people as I went, surprising myself by making it safely, that is until I rounded the last corner.

I looked to see who I bumped into and was met by a boy towering over me. He wore all black and his skinny jeans were ripped at the knees. He had blonde hair styled to perfection and a lip ring. He had to have a freaking lip ring.

"Sorry," I muttered when I realised none of us said a word.

All he did was turn around and walk away. Asshole!


I paid the fatigued cashier at Caffeine, the only coffee store on campus. The coffee was horribly overpriced and tasted a bit off, but I needed the extra energy if I was going to successfully remain awake to gain some knowledge in my day's classes.

"Hey Delly!" an overly excited Calum fell into step next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Call me that again and you'll be single," I replied, rolling my eyes but not managing to keep the smile off my face as I noticed his shocked expression.

Calum and I had met the previous year when we were both freshman. He was majoring in Computer Science and was unbelievably smart, a quality that drew me to him from the beginning. I was studying in the library when he sat down next to me with a dorky smile on his face and fed me the worst pick up line in history, "I'm no photographer, but I can picture you and me together."

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds before he burst out laughing and I asked him if he was dared.

Back in the present I warned Calum that he was gonna be late for his class.

Calum glanced at his watch, said "Oh shit!", gave me a quick kiss and ran across the street to make it in time for his class all the way in the Math and Science building. He was such an idiot. Such a lovable idiot.

I entered my Anatomy class and opened up my laptop, getting ready for what was going to be a long day.


The biochemistry lecture hall was pretty packed when I entered. I spotted Blue sitting near the front with the rest of our friends.

"Hey guys," I said, sliding into the seat next to Ashton.

Everyone returned my greeting with a smile and we were left very little time to catch up when Mr Morris, our lecturer, came strolling in, Coke in one hand and a briefcase in the other. He was an exceptionally attractive lecturer and I didn't doubt that most of his students didn't even need his class.

"I hope you've all survived your first day," he began in his British accent, with a huge grin exposing his perfect teeth. "If not, I'm sure there are enough medical students in the room to revive you." He laughed and most of the females, including myself, laughed along with him at his feeble attempt at joking.

The class was as interesting as a hot lecturer could make it, but it took pretty long to end. As I was packing up my things, Mr Morris called Blue and I. We shared a confused look and made our way down to him as Charlie, Michael and Ashton left, saying they'd wait for us outside.

"I'm sure the two of you remember the death of Vanessa Campbell last season," Mr Morris began. He didn't wait for us to respond and went on, "It was made known to the staff that the police have closed the case."

"What? But they haven't even found the killer yet! They could still be out there!" Blue said, just as angry and shocked as I was.

"I'm just as livid as you are, Blue. But that's why I called the two of you," Mr Morris said, throwing his empty Coke can in the dustbin. "I want you to find the murderer."

"You want... you want us to find the murderer?" I stuttered, thoroughly shocked at Mr Morris' proposition. "But if the police couldn't then how can we?"

"You girls are probably the smartest students I've had in a long time. I really think you can do it."

"But... Why?" Blue asked.

"Justice," Mr Morris replied as he lengthened the strap of his briefcase and put it on his shoulder. "But also curiosity. Wouldn't you like to know who's capable of planning a murder so well that there are no clues at all?"

"Then why not try and figure it out yourself?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I'm interested to find out how you're going to approach this," he started making his way to the door. "Oh and try to keep this to yourselves?" He gave a quick, knee-weakening wink and was gone.

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