13. Evidence

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This chapter is dedicated to AsamiTanaka for voting and all her comments. Thanks for the feedback:)

Thank you to everyone else who reads, comments and votes. It's really appreciated and we might just dedicate a chapter to you.

Blue's POV

After the Dean's visit and the new information about Mr. Morris we were in dire need of finding out who the suspects were and that's why Delta and I were currently in Calum's room.

Calum was working his magic on his pc, hacking into the police files once again. Delta was impatiently tapping her foot against the floor and I was nervous for what I might see.

"So I'm back where I was the last time when we searched for the victims and there's a folder for the suspects," Calum told us after what felt like a year.

"So can you get it?" Delta questioned him now standing up.

"I'm not sure. I can try but that will be more difficult than getting the victims."

"Do what you need, babe."

Seconds, minutes and hours went by without anything from Calum. I sat there doubting everything and eventually lost hope.

"Are you close yet, Cal?" I queried.

"Nope, I'm getting no where. At least not like this."

"What do you mean 'not like this'?" Delta raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it would work if I somehow had access to a computer at the station," he answered.

"And how do you expect to do that?" She questioned.

"We need to break in," I answered. It was the only way we'd get what we needed.


"So what's the plan again?" Charlie asked.

After coming up with a plan we decided that we needed someone else and then we recruited Charlie.

"We need to get into the evidence room. There's a computer there that's seldomly used. I can download the information we need from there," Calum informed her.

We were currently in my car outside the police department discussing the plan one more time.

"How do we do that?" Charlie asked again.

"Well that's what we need to sort out," it was Delta to answer her this time.

"Well then isn't it stupid that we're here without a plan? I could've been in my Philosophy class."

"We need to do it now before someone backs out. Here's what we do, Charlie," I turned to face her in the passenger seat, "I need you to ask the person at the front desk for a Detective Goodman. She hates being phoned so it'll force them to go get her," I now turned to face Calum in the backseat, "Once they leave you need to bump into them and get their key card, it's clipped onto their belt on the right hand side which will be your left. Delta and I will distract all other cops that might be there while Calum and Charlie use the key card to enter the third door in the hallway on the left. Delta and I will join you as soon as we can and we'll knock five times so that you know that it's us," after all that I was out of breath and received six eyes focused solely on me.

"How... How do you know this?" Charlie asked not blinking once.

"I'm very observant. We came here on an excursion once."

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