Realizing who he is, she suddenly becomes excited. "Liv, I'm so happy for you. How's he doing?"

The waiter then decides to come over, take their orders, and then bring them their ice cream.

Olivia smiles and twirls her ice cream around with a spoon. "Nick's great. He wanted to come and visit you as well but was held up at work."

"Next time for sure," Kate says.

Olivia looks at her best friend from when they were little kids swinging on trees and playing princess. She didn't think Kate would have wanted to see her again, let alone Nick. It was nice to know that she still had that support system after all these years.

"That sounds really nice. I think he'd like it."


"Wow. I can't imagine seeing my best friend after eight years of no contact," she squeals.

"Neither can I," I say agreeing with her.

The two boys look at each other. "We want to hear more of the story." I nod my head.

"On one condition," the little one states. "We want some answers."


April 31, 2023

"How was it?" Daniel asks the next day at work.

"I had the best time," Kate replies. "Thank you so much." She wraps her arms around him, giving him a hug and smile. "What did you need to tell me?"

Daniel sits at his desk, running a hand through his hair, while she sits opposite from him. "Ms. London, my advisor, is retiring. Someone else is coming in to take her place, and I'd like you to show them around the company."

"Has she already left?"

He looks around the room and lowers his voice. "Kate . . . Ms. London passed away late last night. She had a heart attack, and by the time they got there it was too late."

Tears brim Kate's eyes, but she holds them in. Ms. London was a great woman who she will always keep close to her heart. This being said, her passing helped Kate realize that life is short, and that maybe she should give Daniel a chance.

"Oh my god," she breathes. "I'm really going to miss her." She wipes the makeup from underneath her eyes and gives him a weak smile. "When is this new person coming?"

Daniel checks his watch. "They should arrive at-"

"I'm here," a soft, cheerful voice speaks from the doorway. The two of them look over and see a beautiful women standing by. "I'm Caroline Riordan, your new advisor."

He clears his throat and invites her inside the office. "I'm Mr. Mayer, and this is my assistant, Ms. Mitchell. She'll be giving you a tour of the building and will serve as a guide to how our company works."

Caroline nods her head. "Sounds great. Thank you."

Kate and Caroline leave the office and officially begin their tour. "You can call me Kate. I'm not really into the whole 'Ms.' thing."

She smiles and laughs. "Thanks, and I'm with you on that one. Call me Caroline."

The two girls talk a bit more and then get down to what the company does, how many workers there are, what work hours are like, and much more. Instantly, they were becoming close. Everything was going fine.

"What do you think of Mr. Mayer?" Caroline asks Kate.

"Oh. You mean, Daniel? He's the best boss you'll ever have."

The new girl laughs. "I'm sure he's a great boss, but isn't he cute?"

Kate looks around the room, trying to find something to change the subject with. "I've never really payed any attention . . . "

Caroline rolls her eyes. "Well if you two aren't a thing then do you mind if I get to know him?"

"Go ahead," Kate reluctantly replies.

'And there goes my chance,' Kate thought.

She had wanted to talk to Daniel in hopes of starting a relationship with him. With Ms. London passing away, she realized that she had to embrace challenges and enjoy the simple things in life.

Kate likes him.

And, although she might be too scared to admit it, she's in love with him.

The Original FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora