Chapter 29

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He was forced to end our relationship? Then why didn't he tell me that? There could have been something I could have done to prevent this from happening. Did Kyoya not want to stop it?


Fuyumi would not leave me in peace. She believes the reason I didn't rebel in this situation because I wished to leave (f/n) for my own reasons. Of course this isn't true. I love (f/n).

The reason I didn't struggle against my father is because I have been burdened with the thought of what my future with (f/n) would be like. My father would not give us his blessing and do everything in his power to make our lives miserable. I couldn't put (f/n) through such a future.

I do love you (f/n).


How could Kyoya be so stupid!? He could have found a way around this! A way to be with (f/n)! But of course he had to be stubborn and refuse to do anything as risky as that.

Kyoya explained to me why he did the things he did and I told them to (f/n). She seemed sad yet thankful from hearing them. I asked her if she still loves Kyoya and she said yes. That's all I needed to hear.

Now its time for my plan to begin.


I was finishing an essay for one of my classes when I heard a knock on my door. My parents weren't home so naturally I was the one to answer it.

When I opened the door I saw Fuyumi.

"Hello (f/n)!"

"Hey Fuyumi. What are you doing here?"

She gave me a light laugh, "I'm here to kidnap you of course!"

"You're what?"

Fuyumi's smirk was the last thing I saw before everything went black.


I woke up to a bright light blaring down on my eyes. Where am I? I was in a tan room with a giant green bed and elegant oak furniture. This doesn't look like my house.

"Good your awake!"

I looked over to the voice to see Fuyumi coming into the room, carrying a fancy wrapped box.

"What happened?"

"I kidnapped you silly! Don't you remember?"

I don't think so-" then the memory of Fuyumi coming to my house and everything going black returned, "Oh."

"Sorry for the inconvenience but this is of the utmost importance!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about getting you and Kyoya back together!"

"Ha good luck with that. Isn't his wedding tonight?"

"That just means we have to hurry!"

"You're joking, right?"

"(F/n), you should know I never joke when it comes to love."

"Fair enough, but how do you expect this to work?"

"Its simple! All you have to do is sneak into the wedding, wait until the priest says 'speak now or forever hold your peace', say you object and before you know it you'll be the one Kyoyas to marry!"

"You can't seriously expect me to sneak into his wedding."

"Don't worry! I called in some experts to help!"


"Come on in you guys!"

The door to the room opened to reveal none other than the host members.

Tamaki gave us his signature smile, "We're here to help!"

I was in total shock, "Why are you guys doing this?"

Haruhi came up to my side and gave me a hug, "Because we care about you and Kyoya. Besides you guys are like the cutest thing ever!"

I laughed and gave each of them a hug, "You guys are awesome!"

We all turned to Fuyumi and gave her confident smiles, "What do we have to do?"


I'm to be married in less than an hour. The few weeks leading up to this moment seemed to blink away. I don't believe I'm ready for this.

One the servant came into my room, "Master Kyoya it is time for your dressing."


Here we go.


Fuyumi gave each and everyone of us a job to do. The twins were to distract the guards enough for me to sneak into the church. Tamaki and Haruhi were to walk inside with me and help disguise me from anyone who may recognize who I am. Finally Honey and Mori were to pretend to be chefs and stay for backup.

We were all ready to do our jobs but before we were able to leave, Fuyumi pulled me aside and gave me the wrapped box she came in with.

"This is a dress that I was planning on giving you for your birthday but forgot, so here you go! I think you should wear it now."

"Thank you so much Fuyumi! For everything!"

"You're welcome (f/n)!"

I slid into the bathroom and opened the box. Inside there was a sleeveless (f/c) dress that had a bow in the center, it was form fitting on the top but was poofy around the hips and went down to about my knees.

After I put on the dress I took one final look in the mirror before taking a deep breath.

Time to stop a wedding.


I am now standing in front of a church I have never been too, alongside a priest I have never met, to be married to a woman I hardly know. Oh how I wish I could revisit the days I had (f/n) by my side. Even if it was only for a short while, I treasured those moments.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the organ playing that dreaded song. How could such a song be once considered one of the most beautiful sounds? Now it is nothing but painful resonance.

The doors open and my wife to be begins her walk towards where I stand. She is about (f/n)'s height although she does not have (f/n)'s beautiful eyes. Nor does she have the stunning personality that (f/n) posses. Indeed this woman could be considered beautiful, but not compared to (f/n).

Finally she reaches the end of her walk and the priest begins the service. However I paid no attention to it and allowed my face to express my displeasure.

It wasn't until the words 'speak now or forever hold your piece' were spoken that I focused on my surroundings.

There was silence in the church for what seemed to be years, but those years were cut short by a familiar voice shouting.

"I object!"

A/N: SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! I was planning on updating every Saturday but I couldn't find the time! School work and marching band has literally consumed my life xD Again I'm really sorry to the late update and I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!!!!

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