Chapter 24

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Previously on Kyoya x Reader


I thought it was all over, but Kyoya came up to me and escorted me to Music Room #3. Wonder whats in there. Probably just going to show me the costumes for next week.

To my surprise, when I opened the door I saw.....

All of the host club members were around a giant table full of all my favorite foods. There were brightly (f/c) colored streamers and balloons all over, and hanging above the table hung a sign that read "Happy Birthday (f/n)!!".

I didn't know what to do or say. This was just amazing! I know I'm usually not a big party person, but seeing all the effort these guys went through for me just made me feel all fuzzy inside.

"Happy birthday (f/n)-chan!" Honey called as all the hosts surrounded me.

"Y-you guys did all this for me?"

"Of course! Its not everyday we get to celebrate the birthday of a host! Not to mention an amazing host like yourself!" Tamaki chimed in. These guys are the best!

"I hope you're not upset with us. Haruhi mentioned how you have never been fond of making a big deal about your birthday, but we simply couldn't go without doing something to celebrate." Kyoya said with a little concern in his voice.

"Well its true I've never really liked parties," all the hosts seemed to become grieved, "but seeing all this just makes me want to party!" all the hosts straightened and chuckled.

"Party! Party!" the twins chanted.

I just giggled and watched as everyone made their way to the table and dug in. I couldn't have asked for greater friends.

"You're certain you don't mind all of this?" I turned around to see Kyoya still standing behind me with a worried look on his face.

"Of course! You guys were so sweet for doing all this! I just kind of feel like its a waste to do so for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I just don't think I'm worth all the effort."

"Oh (f/n). You are worth all the effort in the world! Now please stop undermining yourself."

I blushed and smiled, "Yes sir."

Kyoya smiled, "Now come on, we better get some food before they eat it all."

I giggled, "Sounds good."


We all ate and talked for about an hour. It was a lot of fun to just hang out with everyone and not have to worry about keeping guests entertained.

"Alright everyone! Its about time for presents!" Tamaki called.

"Wait what? You guys got me presents? Seriously? You didn't have to! The party is more than enough!"

"Nonsense! A birthday is not complete without gifts!"

"Seriously guys, you didn't need to spend money on me!"

"(F/n) they're rich. Let them spend their money on us commoners for once." Haruhi joked as she sat down next to me.

I giggled, "I suppose so, but still."

"Still nothing! (F/n) you're my best friend and you've never let me get you a gift! Just let us get you one for once!"

"Ugh fine, but just because I love you!"

Haruhi smiled, "Great!"

I smiled and finished the last of my (f/f). I really hope they didn't spend too much money on me.

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