Chapter 11

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We finished our drinks and left the cafe without having anymore run-ins. We continued on out walk and were now walking around the shops of Karuizawa.

I noticed a store that sold festive masks and costumes, so I ran inside and hid from Kyoya. I grabbed on of the masks and waited for him to come by.

"(F/n)? Where are you?" Kyoya walked right past where I was hiding.

I waited a minute longer than slowly came out and quietly followed behind him. When I was right behind him I jumped on his back.

"RAAR!" I yelled through the mask.

"Gah! (F/n)!" I fell on the floor laughing. His face was priceless!!

Kyoya pushed up his glasses and acted like nothing happened, "It's not that funny."

"Yes it is!" I said in between laughs.

Kyoya glared at me but I could tell he was trying not to smile.

"Awe come on Senpai. You gotta admit it was kinda funny." I gave him an innocent smile and got up off the floor.

"Your definition of funny is much different than mine."

"Uhhuh. I've noticed." I teased while poking his cheek.

"Stop it." he said swatting my hand away.

I giggled, "C'mon Senpai! Let's keep walking."

We left the store and continued on our walk. Though I still kept giggling from what just happened. His face was just awesome! He looked freaked out and it was hilarious!

We were walking past the marketplace when I noticed Kyoya looking at a flyer stapled to a bulletin board. I went up next to him and looked at the flyer. It was an advertisement for a carnival they were having tonight. Fun!

"Cool! We should go!" I said with a smile.

"This sort of thing appeals to you?"

"Of course! It sounds like fun! And look! They're gonna have fireworks too!"

Kyoya groans.

"Please Senpai!"

He looked at me with raised eyebrows, "What will you do for me in return?"


"If I take you to this carnival, what will you do for me in return?"

"You really don't do anything unless you have something to gain do you?"

"Not usually."

I rolled my eyes, "Never mind then."

He chuckled, "I'll take you."

I smiled, "Really!? Awe thank you Senpai!" I hugged him.

He hugged me back, "You're very welcome (f/n)."


The carnival was about to start and I was just getting ready. Since it's still early spring, nights are pretty cold. So I decided to change into a comfy white sweater and brown leggings. I also but my hair in a messy braid that went down my right shoulder.

I went out of my room to see Kyoya writing in his black book waiting for me. He was wearing a green button up shirt with dark brown pants.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"I've been ready." he teases.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on my brown combat boots, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever Senpai."

He chuckled and opened the door, "After you madame."

I giggled, "You're such a gentleman."

We left and started heading down to the carnival. You could see the lights from the ferris wheel already. It looked so pretty!

When we got to the carnival there were so many booths and games all over. Not to mention rides and food. This is going to be fun!

We started walking around and it was already starting to get dark. I noticed a house of mirrors and dragged Kyoya over to it.

"Come on Senpai!"

"Do we have to?"

"Yes! It'll be fun!"

"If you say so."

We went inside and we immediately greeted by a mirror that made you look like you were two feet tall. I laughed at how Kyoya looked. He looked like someone combined him and Honey-Senpai.

We kept walking through the house of mirrors, laughing at how each mirror changed out appearance. From being six feet tall to three feet tall. From being chubby to being twigs. It was quite enjoyable and I could tell Kyoya was having fun, whether or not he's willing to admit it.


We left the house of mirrors, which was surprisingly enjoyable. (f/n) seems to be having a good time. She is so cute the way her face lit up when she saw the different games.

I noticed she was looking at a stuffed panda that you could win by knocking down three bottles with a ball. These sort of games are always rigged so no one wins. But she was so adorable with that hopeful look on her face I couldn't help myself.

I walked up to the vender and asked how much to play.

"Senpai you don't have to!"

"I want to." I looked back and the vender.

"It's 5 dollars for 2 balls. You have to knock down all 3 bottles to win a prize." he told me, motioning to the bottles behind him.

I handed him the money and he gave me two balls. I looked over to see (f/n) smiling softly at me. I smiled back.

I took one of the balls and threw it towards the bottles. It hit the top one and knocked it off. Now all I have to do is hit the bottom two. I threw the ball and it felt like it went in slow-motion, hitting the bottom two and knocking them over.

"Congratulations! Pick a prize young man." I pointed to the panda.

"I'll take the panda please."

"Good choice! Now have fun you two!" he handed me the panda.

I looked back at (f/n) with a smile, "That wasn't so hard."

She laughed, "Nice throwing Senpai."

I gave her the panda and her face instantly lit up as she hugged it.

"Thank you Senpai!" she smiled.

I smiled in return, but was taken aback when she came up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she quickly hid her face hugging the panda. I could feel my face heat up.


Kyoya was so sweet for getting me this panda. I didn't know how to thank him! Then I had an idea. I blushed just thinking about it.

I walked up to him and had to go on my tip-toes to be able to reach him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I knew my face must've looked like a cherry, so I hid, hugging the soft panda.

I think I'm falling for the shadow king.

A/N: Chapter 11 done! Yay! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!

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