Chapter 20

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We finished picking out the fabric fro the store and are now on our way home. I'll admit, I was pretty excited to help my mother make the dress. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

When we got home I took the fabric and went into my room to start sketching how I want the dress to look. I'm thinking having a sleeveless dress that just covers my knees, and maybe have a flower like bow in the center below the chest line. I think that looks good!

I finished up the sketch and gave it to my mother.

"Oh sweetie! This looks wonderful! I'll get right on it!"

"Thanks mom! I have to go to volleyball practice. I'll be home in time for dinner!"

"Alright honey be safe and have fun!"

"I will!"

I grabbed my bag with my volleyball gear inside and began my walk to practice. I've been missing a lot of the practices because of the host club and if I miss anymore I'll be cut from the team. So I'm definitely not missing this one.


What am I supposed to get for (f/n)? I mean, what could you get a girl that seems to not want anything. Shes always thinking of people before herself and she always seems content with what she has. Ugh this is very challenging.

Perhaps if I get her something that resembles my feelings? Would she like that? I have no idea. Obviously I'm not going to get her some cheep gift that you would get from a distant relative who doesn't really know you.

I suppose I'll just go to the store and look until I find something that reminds me of (f/n). Or at least until I find something that would appeal to her.

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my wallet before heading out of my room. Hopefully I will be able to leave the house as easily as I entered it. Without being noticed by my father or one of my brothers.

Unfortunately, I had no such luck.

I was halfway out of the door when I heard my father calling me from his study. This can't be good. If he finds out that I'm going out to find a gift for (f/n), he'll lock me in my room and throw away the key.

"Kyoya! I wish to see you in my study. Now!"

"Yes sir."

I walked into the study and found my father sitting at his usual seat behind his desk.

"Yes father?"

"Where do you think you're heading to at this time of day?"

"I was simply going to the store."

"What for?"

"For a gift."

"A gift?"

"Yes sir."

"And who would this gift be for?"

I swallowed the lump that built up in my throat, "The gift is for (f/n)."

My father scoffed, "(F/n). What a pathetic excuse for a student of Ouran. I should see her to be expelled."

I clenched my fists, "(F/n) is one of the brightest students of the Academy. Her grades are just as exceptional as her athletic and artistic abilities. She excels in everything she seeks to accomplish. I assure you father, (f/n) is anything but pathetic."

"How dare you challenge me."

"I only challenge that which is incorrect, sir."

"You are the one who is incorrect. I am your father, you must obey me and not disrespect me."

"Then I mean this with the utmost respect, you are incompetent in telling of ones character."

"How dare you!"

"Father I understand that you may not be fond of (f/n), but you must at least respect my feelings towards her."

"I do not have to respect anything of the sort. You are my son, therefore you do and feel what I tell you to. End of discussion."

"Forgive me father, but you cannot control whom I choose to love. That I choose for myself."

I left the study before he could say anything else. Now all I need to do is get a gift for (f/n). Shouldn't be too hard.

I grabbed my umbrella since it was raining, and headed to the store.


Oh great its raining. Of course. Not only was I kicked off the volleyball team, but I am stuck in the middle of the rain without my umbrella.

I guess even though I went to this practice, I had missed too many previous games and practices that my couch saw me as holding back the team. So here I am, cut from the team. I suppose it could be worse.

I was halfway to my house when I saw a familiar black haired boy walking on the opposite side of the road.


He turned around and looked at me curiously, "(F/n)?"

I ran across the street to meet him, "Hi."

"Hello, what are you doing in the rain?"

"Oh I was just on my way back from practice. I didn't think it was going to rain today so I didn't grab my umbrella."

"Ah I see, well here you can share mine."

"Thank you Senpai."

"Not a problem."

"So why are you out here?"

"Oh um I was just on my way back from picking up something."

"Oh cool! What did you get?"

"Um a gift."

"Oooooh! Who for?"

"Who for? Oh um for my...sister."

"I didn't know you had a sister. Whats her name?"

"Her name is Fuyumi."

"What a pretty name!"


"So what did you get her?"

"It's a secret."

"Awe that's no fun! I promise I won't tell her."

"As much as I believe you would keep that promise, I'm afraid I still cannot tell you."


He chuckled, "I suppose so."


After my close encounter with (f/n) I continued my walk home. Of course I walked (f/n) home first. A gentleman would never leave a woman out in the rain.

Once I got home I went straight to my room to hide the gift from my father. If he found it he would no doubt destroy it.

I cannot wait to give this to (f/n).

A/N: Yay another chapter done! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!!

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