Chapter 9

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I spent about two hours packing, unpacking and repacking my bag. Right when I packed my bag with clothes, I would change my mind on an outfit and end up rethinking everything I packed. Which caused me to loose track of time.

It was about midnight and I finally finished packing my bag. I decided I should go to bed before I ended up staying awake the whole night.

I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep. In my sleep I found myself dreaming of Kyoya. Which honestly was pretty weird.

Now take in mind that I've never been one to like a guy so much that I would start dreaming of him. So finding myself dreaming of Kyoya Ootori was something new for me.

In the dream I was in Karuizawa with Kyoya. We were having a picnic on a hill, under a tree. (Corny I know) I was leaning against his shoulder watching the sunset with him.

Everything was peaceful and quite until Kyoya leaned down and kissed me. And the weirdest part was, I kissed back. Pretty soon we were in a full on heated make-out session.

This went on for the duration of the dream until my mom woke me up. Waking me up from secret desires of my subconscious.

"(F/n)~! Time to get up~! Don't wanna be late~!"

"I'm up, I'm up." I say yawning and stretching.

I got out of bed and started my usual morning routine. Plus a little extra time in the shower than normal. And it's not because I was seeing Kyoya today.
(A/N: Uhhuh suuure
Reader: -_- )

After I finished taking a shower, I dried off and decided to curl my hair for once. (A/N: If you already have curly hair just pretend you're straightening it) It ended up actually not looking half bad. It actually looked pretty good.

Once my hair was done I quickly brushed my teeth and left to bathroom to get dressed. Since we are going to Karuizawa, I decided to wear a purple strapless dress. Along with the dress I wore my black combat boots and a black sleeveless jean jacket. Dressy yet casual, perfect !

I finished getting dressed just as I heard a knock on the front door. Must be Kyoya. So I grabbed my bag and made sure my phone was in it, before heading downstairs.

When I got down the stairs I saw Kyoya standing by the door talking to my parents. He looked really handsome today. Not that he doesn't usually, it's just, today he looked even more so.

"Ah there you are sweetheart. My! Don't you look pretty!" my mother came and gave me a side hug as she pushed me towards Kyoya. Subtle right?

"Thanks mom."

"Well it was a pleasure to talk to you again Mr. (l/n). We should be leaving now, but I'll be sure to keep you posted on all that is going on while we are in Karuizawa." Kyoya said with a smile.

"Good. Have fun you two! But not too much fun!" my father responded.

After saying goodbye to my parents and giving them each a hug, I left with Kyoya. I followed him to his limo. Figures. He got in and I climbed in after him.

"You're mother was correct." Kyoya said looking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You really do look quite beautiful." Kyoya gave me a smile. Wait. Was that a blush? It so was!

I laughed a little, "Why thank you Mr. Ootori. And may I say, you look quite handsome yourself." I said in an obnoxious British accent.

"Why thank you Ms. (l/n). Always a pleasure." he mimicked my accent.

"Indeed." we both laughed. "So where exactly are we going to be staying while we're in Karuizawa?"

"My family owns a cottage up there, along with the rest of the host's families in fact."

"Oh cool! So we're staying at your cottage?"


"Fun!" we both fell silent and I found myself staring out the window. The landscape was so beautiful this time of year. (A/N: It's early spring just fyi Cx)

"So Senpai, tell me again why you were so eager to have me come with you? I mean, there's nothing really to gain from this."

He smiled at that, "Nothing to gain? Now I wouldn't say that." he looked at me, "There's always something to gain from being around you."

I could feel my face heat up so I quickly looked down as a poor attempt to hide it from him. Like I said, poor attempt. Kyoya put his hand on my cheek, turning my head so I was facing him.

"Something as exquisite as you should never hide." he began to lean in closer to me. So close that I could feel his breath on my lips.


He smiled slightly ashamed and.....disappointed? Then pulled away, fixing his glasses. "Perhaps I misread the situation. Forgive me."

"Senpai I-" I was cut off by Kyoya.

"We're here."

We both climbed out of the limo, grabbed our bags and walked to the cottage in an awkward silence. I couldn't believe Kyoya was about to kiss me. And I couldn't believe that I was so happy when he was slowly closing the space between us. It made my heart go crazy.

We got inside and my eyes instantly widened at the sight of the 'cottage'. It was huge!
(A/N: That's what she said ^-^
Reader: *face palms* )

The whole cottage was full of expensive decor and furniture. There were paintings hanging on all of the walls and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I was speechless.

"Do you like the cottage?" Kyoya asked with a smirk when he noticed my expression.

"It's amazing."

"Then I'm sure you'll enjoy your room."

"My room?"

"Follow me." Kyoya lead me down on of the many hallways and motioned to the last room. "This is where you will be staying."

I opened the door to see (f/c) walls and a (f/c) bed along with a huge bookcase full of (favorite author) books. There was a huge walk in closet on the far wall and a huge window with a built in cushioned bench. There was a smaller (f/c) chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling, a laptop on a desk in the corner, a music player and speakers scattered along the ceiling. Now this I like. When I took a closer look I noticed an aisle with a sketchpad and stencils. No way. How did he?

"I see you've noticed your new work space. I hope you'll enjoy it." Kyoya said.

I turned around and ran to give him a hug. I jumped and wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you Kyoya!"


I had the workers design this room specifically for (f/n). I knew she had a natural love for the arts so I had them include that in their design. Also I added her favorite color into the scheme as well. It was a lot of work getting it all ready in time, but seeing her expression and having her hug me made it all worth it.

A/N: Chapter 9 done! Hope you enjoyed it! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!

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