Chapter 2

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Today is the day that we welcome our new hostess. My curiosity has been at its peek. I am very interested in how Ms. (L/n) could have joined this school without me knowing about it. Very odd how this has happened.

I was on my way to the club when I was tackled by Tamaki. That idiot can't give me one days peace.

"Kyoya! We get to meet (f/n) today! Aren't you excited?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Its hardly the first time I've met a girl. Why would I be excited?"

"Because shes going to be the very first hostess! And hopefully having her around will bring out the girl within Haruhi!"

"I doubt that will happen."

"Why are you always so grumpy? Lighten up Kyoya!"

"If I was any lighter I would be floating off of the face of the earth."

Tamaki just laughed and dragged me into the club room.

Once we got inside we found the rest of the hosts in a circle. Wonder whats going on? Oh right, Haruhi must have brought (f/n) already.

Tamaki has already joined them so I simply walked over and took a look at our new addition to the host club.

In the center of the circle next to Haruhi was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, bright/dark (e/c) eyes and one of the most heart stopping smiles I've ever encountered. Wait what?

Her eyes were darting from host to host until they fell on me. Okay I'll admit she was kind of cute. But lets not stray from the task at hand.

I must now address her on the situation our King has put us in and get her ready to begin hosting.


Haruhi told me that she wanted me to host for the host club. I was confused at first because I didn't even know we HAD a host club. But after she explained I got the gist of it.

Haruhi was the first person I became friends with when I joined Ouran. At first I was led to believe she was a he but after we grew closer she told me her secret. She's probably my best friend here.

"You really want ME to host? You sure I won't just scare all the guys away?"

"Of course not! You'll be a great addition to the club."

"Well if you say so. I'm still not sure why you guys are adding a girl. Isn't it all guys? I mean besides you."

"Haha yeah. Tamaki-senpai kinda spent all our money with his ideas and now we need a girl to help bring in the guys in a way to make more money. At least thats what Kyoya-senpai said."

"Oh okay. Well I know how much that host club means to you, so I'll help."

"Thank you (f/n)!" she gave me a big hug and we both started laughing.

"No problem Haruhi!"
After our classes were over, Haruhi walled me to an abandoned music room. She said this is where the club was.

Once we opened the door we were consumed by the smell of coffee and roses.

There were four boys in the room already, two I recognized from our class and the others I guessed must be upper class-men, even though one of them looks like he should still be in elementary school.

"(F/n)-chan!" the small one yelled as he jumped to give me a hug. (A/N: hehe Honey's the small one 😂)

"(F/n) this is Honey-senpai. That's Mori-senpai, Hikaru and Kaoru."

"Nice to meet you all!" I said with a genuine smile on my face. They all seemed really nice.

"So (f/n) you're a commoner like Haruhi?" Hikaru asked. They might be twins but Haruhi told me about them and I can tell who is who.


"Awwweeee poor (f/n) doesn't get to
enjoy fancy tuna either!" Hikaru, Kaoru and Honey-senpai were now all hugging me and nuzzling my head.

"Guys leave her alone!"

"So tell us about yourself (f/n)."

"Umm....well I'm on the volleyball team...........I got a scholarship for my grades and my art-"

"Can you show us some of your art (f/n)-chan!?" Honey-senpai asked excitedly.

"Sure. I don't have any with me right now but I can show you some other time if you want."


They were now all surrounding Haruhi and me, asking me questions. Really random questions at that. Like 'do all commoners like commoners coffee?'.

Just then two more guys came into the club room. One was tall (but not as tall as Mori-senpai) with blonde hair, and the other was just as tall but had black hair and glasses.

"You must be (f/n). Welcome to our host club my princess." the blonde came over and kissed my hand. This must be the obnoxious 'king' Haruhi was telling me about.

"You must be Tamaki-senpai."

"Oh so you've heard of me!"

"Yeah, Haruhi told me a lot about how you're really obnoxious."

Tamaki went in a corner and mopped. Oops. Did I do that?

"She ALSO said how you're always very kind and considerate."

"Did she really!? Haruhi!" he ran up to Haruhi and spun her around. Wow he changes his moods pretty quickly.

I couldn't help but giggle at Haruhi and Tamaki. They acted like an old married couple.

I smiled and looked at all the hosts around me. I eventually locked eye contact with glasses boy.

"I'm (f/n). Its nice to meet you.."

"Kyoya Ootori. And its nice to meet you also." I smiled at him.

"So what exactly do I have to do?"

"You will be hosting all of our male clients. You will be polite, kind, and sweet. You must make them feel good and act interested in the conversations you have with them. Our goal as hosts is to make all of our clients happy. Therefore you must do all that you can to make that happen. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" I gave him a fake solute. He just rolled his eyes and began writing down something in his black book. Wonder what he's writing....

My thoughts were interrupted by Tamaki-senpai, "Alright men, and women, the guests will be arriving soon!"

Here we go...

A/N: Remember to comment and vote!

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