Chapter 22

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Tomorrow is the day of the hosts ball. Naturally all of the hosts stayed after to assist in the preparations. All except (f/n).

She was eager to help us but we also needed to prepare her party so we insisted she go home. Now I was not about to let my (f/n) walk home by herself where she could easily be taken. So I went with her.
(A/N: Ooooo Kyoya is getting protective over you ;))

We were halfway to her house when (f/n) asked the one question I was not ready to answer.

"Hey Senpai?"

"Yes (f/n)?"

"Why have you and the rest of the host been acting so secretly lately?"

I, for once, could not come up with an explanation, "I'm not sure I follow."

"You guys have been having secret conversations that end whenever I walk into the room, and I know you told Honey-Senpai to have cake with me so I wouldn't hear what you were talking about."

(F/n) was more observant and clever than I had given her credit for, "We just thought that you would be bored from the financial conversation so we asked Honey to keep you company." I hate lying to her, but I wasn't about to ruin the surprise.

"You promise thats all it was?"

Technically we were talkling financials, but only they were for the party, "I promise."


I still think there is something going on, but Kyoya said there wasn't and I trust him.

We made it to my house and it was time to say our goodbyes. Of course my face instantly gets red when I turn to face Kyoya. He's just so handsome, and it only got worse when he bgan leaning in to kiss me.

We parted from the kiss and Kyoya just smirked, "You look like a strawberry."

"Sh-shut up. Its your fault."

"I suppose thats true. Although I must admit you look absolutely beautiful when you blush."

I just smiled and giggled, "Well aren't you the charmer."

"Of course."

I laughed, "You sure aren't known for your humbleness, thats for sure."

He chuckled, "Certainly not."

I giggled.

"I will be here at seven tomorrow to pick you up for the hosts ball."

"You're picking me up?"

"Well you are my date."

"I thought we had to host."

"We do, but that doesn't mean I can't take my beautiful girlfriend as my date."

I smiled, "Certainly not."

Kyoya smiled and kissed my hand, "Until tomorrow, my queen."

"Until then, my shadow king."


Today is the day of the hosts ball, and I am freaking out. Not only am I going as Kyoya's date, but I am also expected to host and dance with all the guests! I'm not cut out for this!

My mom woke me up early so she could do my hair and makeup. I hated every second of it! I would have much rather slept in.

"Finished!" my mother handed me a handmirror so I could see the finished product.

My hair was in a halfup halfdown curled style with small purple flowers in it. While my makeup was light. I had black mascara and light purple eyeshadow. Not going to lie, I looked hot!

"Thank you so much mom!"

"You're welcome sweetie! Now for the dress!"

"Oh yeah, forgot about the dress."

I followed my mom to her room where the dress was hanging on a manikin. Everytime I see it I become speechless. Its just so beautiful!

"Go on dear! Put it on! I'll go grab the shoes while you're changing!"

"Okay mom."

I was hesitant to take the dress of the manikin, I was nervous it would rip. However I took it off and slipped into the bathroom to change into it.

The fabric was so soft and comfortable I actally enjoyed wearing it. The bow in the front looked similar to a purple rose which reminded me of Kyoya. Only another reason why I love this dress.

My mom knocked on the bathroom door and handed me the shoes.They were two inch, purple heals with crisscrossing strapes. Totally stunning!

I put the shoes on and left the bathroom.

"Oh sweetie you look so beautiful!"

"Thanks mom. Do you think Kyoya will like it?"

"How could he not? You look amazing!"

"Thanks so much for making the dress mom!"

It was only six o'clock. I still have an hour before Kyoya comes to pick me up. Might as well read while I wait.


I am almost finished with getting ready for the ball. My sister had assisted me in selecting a slick black suit with a white undershirt and purple tie.

Now I simply need to slip on my shoes and I will be completely ready. I hope (f/n) is prepared by the time I arrive. I'm sure she will be.

I walked out to the waiting limo and climbed in. I previously thought of simply walking with (f/n) to the ball, but on further thought I decided that a limo would be more appropriate for the occasion.

I arrived at (f/n)'s house and walked up to her door. However I only needed to knock once before her mother opened the door.

"Hello Kyoya! Come on in!"

"Thank you Mrs. (l/n)."

"You're very welcome! (F/n) should be done at any minute."


Just as I said that I saw (f/n) walk down the steps. She was wearing a beautiful purple dress, purple heals and she had her hair styled. (F/n) looked so beautiful!

I couldn't help but stare at her. She was just so gorgeous, so stunning. I could feel my face heat up more and more the longer I looked at her.

I must have zoned out because (f/n) was waving a hand infront of my face.

"Senpai? Hellooo?"

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"You completely zoned out there."

I just chuckled, "How could I not? You're beautiful."

She blushed and looked away as if to hide it, "So should we go?"

"Yes, we wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting."

(F/n) smiled and followed me out of the door.

I can't wait to show her off to everyone.

A/N: Yay another chapter done! Sorry for the late update! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!!

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