Chapter 6

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Me: Gets home from band camp. Checks Wattpad, clicks on Kyoya x Reader.


Me: "Holy shit!!"

Okay you guys are just awesome! Thank you so much for reading my story!! Love you all!

The guests were just leaving after another day at the host club. Glad thats over. I could barely concentrate on my guests! Kyoya's comment about the whole me costing him kept playing out in my head.

"What is he up to?" I asked myself.

"Who?" I turned around and saw Haruhi standing there with a curious look on her face.

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"You're so weird. Wanna walk home together?"

"Yeah that sounds fun!"

Haruhi and I finished helping the host clean up, changed out of our costumes, grabbed our school bags and headed home. Thankfully having Haruhi with me helped keep my mind from thinking about Kyoya.

"Did you ever finish that one essay?" Haruhi asked.

"The one for English?"


"Yeah I finished it the other day."

"Lucky. I was so busy keeping Tamaki from getting himself into trouble, I didn't have enough time to finish my paper."

"Awwweee! You and Tamaki are so cuute!"

"Shut up (f/n)! We are so not! I don't like him like that!"

"Your face says otherwise." I gave her a wink. Her face looked like a tomato!

"Sh-shut up."

"You so like Tamaki!"

"Ok. Maybe. He's such an idiot at times though."

"Now you're sounding like Kyoya."

We both laughed.

"Hey speaking of Kyoya, Tamaki was telling me how Kyoya's seemed happier ever since you joined the host club. Well, as happy as Kyoya can be."

"O-oh. I'm sure its really some other reason."

"OoooOOOoooh! Does (f/n) have a thing for the shadow king!?" (A/N: Ha rhyme :)) Haruhi poked my arm.

"N-no way!"

"Oh my gosh! You so do!"

"N-no I-I don't! We're just friends is all."

"(F/n) and Kyoya sittin in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!~"

"You're such a child." I giggled.

We finally got to my house and we parted ways. Today was Friday so thankfully I don't have to go to school tomorrow.

I went up to my room and tossed my bag on my bed. I changed out of the hideous yellow uniform and into a t-shirt and shorts. Then I grabbed a book, curled up in my window seat and started reading.


I noticed Haruhi and (f/n) leave together. Wonder what they talk about when they are alone. However I probably won't find out without seeming too much like Tamaki. That will never happen.

I was just finishing up the paper work for the latest sweets delivery and heard Tamaki cry out about his precious 'daughter' leaving without him. Honestly, if I ever get like that you can kill me.

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