Chapter 8

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Dinner with Kyoya actually went pretty well. My parents totally love him! I'm surprised he won my dad over. Not so much surprised about my mom.

"So Kyoya tell me about this club you're in with (f/n)." my dad said halfway through dinner.

"Well, our club is based on pleasing all who are out guests. We, as a club, strive to make each and everyone of them happy. And I must say your daughter is very exceptional in that field of expertise." Kyoya looked at me and I could feel my face heat up.

"Thats so wonderful to hear!" my mom chimed in.

"Indeed." my dad added.

"Well its all thanks to Kyoya-senpai. He's the one that taught me everything I know." I nudged Kyoya with my elbow.

"I'm hardly the reason for your success. But thank you for your appreciation." he gave me a small smile which I returned. He's so cute :)


Dinner ended and I helped to clear the table while Kyoya and my father continued to talk about god knows what. My mother came up to me with a big smile on her face.


"He's cute." she gave me a wink and went into the kitchen.

I followed her, "Your point?"

"My point is that you need to jump on that hot piece of man over there!" she said that so loud I'm pretty sure both dad and Kyoya heard her.

"Mom. No."

"(F/n)! Yes!"

"You're so weird."

"I know. But you love me anyway." she smiled at me.

"I know." I smiled back and went to clear more dishes off the table.

When I went back to the dining room I saw my dad with a shocked expression and Kyoya with a smirk. Yep, they definitely heard. I just gave them an innocent smile and grabbed some plates.

Once all the dishes were washed and put away I went back and joined my parents and Kyoya in the living room. And I immediately regretted this decision.

When I went into the living room I saw my mother and Kyoya on the couch looking at old photo albums of me. Embarrassing photo albums! Of course my mother was pointing out all the awful pictures of me while Kyoya just smiled, amused.

"And heres a picture of her in the tub! Isn't she just adorable!? Look at those buns!"


"Oh hello dear! Join us won't you?"

"Yes do join us (f/n)." Kyoya smirked at me. I'm sooo getting him back for this.

"Mom. Stop showing Kyoya-senpai photos of me as a baby."

"But (ffff/nnnn)! Your so cute!" Kyoya mimicked my mother.

"Shut it Senpai." I put as much venom as possible in those words. But all it seemed to do was amuse him more.

"Well as enjoyable as this evening has been, I should be heading home. Thank you very much Mr. and Mrs. (L/n) for having me spend dinner with you and your family. And for allowing (f/n) to spend the weekend with me."

"You're quite welcome young man." my father stood and shook Kyoya's hand before Kyoya headed for the door. I followed.

"Thanks for coming over Senpai."

"You're welcome (f/n). Now be sure to be packed and prepared to leave tomorrow morning."

"Yes sir!" I gave him a solute which caused him to chuckle.

"Goodnight (f/n)."

"Goodnight Kyoya."

And with that Kyoya left my house. Who would've thought I'd be having dinner with Kyoya Ootori within weeks of meeting him. Definitely not me. But I'm glad I did.
(A/N: Awwwweee Reader-chan!!
Reader: Shut up Author!!
Me: 0.0)


I went back to my limo and headed home. (F/n)'s family was surprisingly charming. Now I see where she gets it.

I'm very glad that I decided to go over to her house, even though I'll probably be receiving a slap from my father for it. It will be worth it.

When I got home I got out of the limo and headed to my room. But before I could reach it, my father stopped me.


"Yes sir?"

"Where on earth were you?"

"I was spending dinner with a friend of mine."

"And why were you doing this? You were supposed to accompany the daughter of one of our partners on a date. How dare you disobey me!" I felt the stinging sensation of his hand against my cheek. Yep, called it. I'll probably have a bruise from this in the morning.
(A/N: Poor Kyoya :( )

"Forgive me sir. I was wrong to have disobeyed you."

"You're damn right you were wrong. Now go to you room, I don't want to see you for the rest of tonight."

"Yes sir." I turned and went to my room, locking the door behind me.

I placed a hand against the cheek that received the slap. This only brought the stinging sensation back to it's original intensity. I sighed and laid on my bed.

I turned my head and looked at the bag I had packed for this weekend. Perhaps I should cancel. No need to make my father anymore upset with me.

I was about to call up (f/n) but the thought of telling her to forget the trip caused a pain in my chest. I couldn't do that to her, especially not after tonight. She looked so excited to be going. Plus I still need my revenge.

That's it. We're going to Karuizawa. And I don't give a fuck what my father says.
(A/N: Language Kyoya.
Kyoya: Hey Auther, shut the fuck up.)

I tossed my phone on top of my bag and went to sleep. I had a very pleasing dream of (f/n). She is certainly something special.

A/N: Yay! Another chapter done! I love you all and thank you so much for reading my story! Remember to comment and vote! :)

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