Chapter 21

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I'm not sure why Kyoya refuses to tell me what he got for his sister. I mean, whats the big secret? It's not like I'm going to go and tell everyone what he got her. However I didn't want to press him on it.

It was getting much colder now and (being soaked) I was freezing. Not only did I forget my umbrella at my house but I left my coat at the gym. Great.

I shivered and my teeth began to chatter. Kyoya just looked at me with concern in his eyes. Awe he's so cute.

"Are you cold (f/n)?" no I just naturally tremble like this.


"Here have my coat." Kyoya slipped off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.

"Thank you Senpai."

"You're welcome (f/n). Would you like me to accompany you on your way home?"

"Well you do have the umbrella."

He chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes."

We continued walking to my house in silence. I would have expected the silence to be awkward but I just felt at peace. Being with Kyoya does that I suppose.


I know its rude to stare but I simply couldn't help it. (F/n) is just so beautiful, so perfect. The raindrops that were in her hair only increased her beauty. It was quite the sight.

She must have noticed me staring because she was looking at me worried, "Are you alright Senpai?"

"Hm? Oh, yes I'm fine."

"Why were you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like the way Honey-Senpai looks at cake."

I simply smiled, "That's intriguing comparison, in its own way."

(F/n) rolled her eyes and laughed. Oh how I love the sweet sound of her laugh.

Before we knew it, we were in front of (f/n)'s house. I suppose time really does go by faster when you're enjoying the company you're in.

"Thank you for walking me home, and for letting me wear your jacket." (f/n) said as she slipped out from my coat and handed it to me.

I took it from her and smiled, "Not a problem."

"So I'll see you at school."


"Goodnight Senpai."

I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead, "Goodnight (f/n)."


He always has to do that right before he leaves! I mean I'm not really complaining but I'm not entirely fond of how red my face gets from it. Especially since I now have to go inside where my father will no doubt see my blush.

I simply sighed and smiled. I'm so getting him back for these last minute kisses. I can promise you that.


The hosts ball is almost here. Day after tomorrow to be exact, and the rest of the host club have been acting a little stranger than usual.

They always seem to be having private conversations that end whenever I enter the room. Now I'm not one to obsess over little things like this, but what on earth is going on?

I just couldn't get the topic out of my head the whole day. It just kept coming up and this made it very difficult to concentrate on school.

Finally the end of the school day came around and I was free to explore my thoughts. Only I now have to host which will be a new challenge altogether.

I reached Music Room #3 and when I opened the door the entire room shushed itself. Oh great so I just walked in on another one of their conversations.

"Hey guys."

"(F/n)-chan!" Honey called as he engulfed me in a hug.

I giggled, "Hey Honey-Senpai."

"Do you want to eat some cake with me?"

"Umm I'm not really one for sweets."
(A/N: If you're like me who actually loves sweets just go with it :P I'm making you more like Kyoya Cx)

"Awe pleeeaaase!?" oh no! Not the puppy dog eyes! How can I say no?

"Alright, I suppose one piece wouldn't hurt."



We were in the middle of planning the surprise party when (f/n) walked in. So we all quickly hid the plans and told Honey-Senpai to distract her.

Of course Honey-Senpai's idea of distracting someone is eating cake with them. This I already knew. However I never would have thought that (f/n) wasn't a fan for sweets. I suppose we have a lot more in common than I previously suspected.

Once (f/n) and Honey-Senpai were out of earshot, we continued planning the party.

"Alright men! We have the balloons, cake, streamers, lights and the food. What else do we need?" Tamaki of course took the lead on this operation.

Haruhi came over, "Well (f/n) would probably prefer a small party, so I think that should be good."

"This party is going to be awesome! Hikaru! Kaoru! Did you get the gift?"

"We ordered it yesterday and we're going today to pick it up."

"Perfect! That's everything! Good work men!"


After all the guests left I went up to Haruhi. Its about time I find out what the heck is going on.

"Hey Haruhi?"

"Yeah (f/n)?"

"Why is everyone acting secretively lately?"

" don't think I get what you're talking about. I got to go, bye!" convenient.

I just sighed and headed home.

Once I got home my mother ran towards me with a giant smile on her face. Uh oh, what did she do?

"Sweetie! You're home!"

"Yeah, why are you acting more spastic than usual?"

"I finished your dress!"

"You did? Awesome! Can I see?"

"Of course! It is your dress after all."

I laughed and followed my mother to where she had the dress.

We walked into my parents room and there on the bed laid my dress. It was exactly like the sketch I had made! I can't wait to wear it!
(A/N: Look at the picture to see your dress :))

"Oh my god mom this is amazing! Thank you so much!" I tackled my mom in a hug.

She laughed and hugged me back, "You're very welcome sweetie!"

I wonder if Kyoya will like it.

A/N: Exciting stuff happening :P Hope you guys liked it! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!

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