Chapter 27

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Today my father had insisted I come to 'visit' him in his office after school. Honestly I would much rather be spending time with Tamaki during one of his tantrums. However I must respect my fathers wishes.

Knowing that I would have to see my father after school caused me to be a little uneasy, and (f/n) noticed.

She gave me a concerned look, "Are you alright Senpai?"

I nodded, "Couldn't be better."

Of course I could have put more effort into making my statement believable, but doing so didn't appeal to me. I knew that (f/n) would continue to pry until she fully understood my situation, so whats the point in putting forth effort that is not required to the outcome.

"I know you better than that Senpai. Please tell me whats wrong."

"My father has asked for me to 'visit' him in his office after school."

"What do you think its about?"

"I don't have the slightest idea, and this worries me."

(F/n) placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure you'll be fine. Besides, I don't know anything that you can't handle."

I allowed a slight smirk to creep onto my lips, "Thank you (f/n)."

She smiled, "Anytime Kyoya."


I hope Kyoyas okay, he seemed really out of it today. Whatever his father wanted to talk to him about can't be good if it caused him to act like he did.


The time has come to see what my father had in store for me. Even though (f/n)'s words brought some comfort to my anxiety, I still couldn't be relieved of the troublesome feeling in my stomach.

I reached home and went to the door of my fathers office. The feeling in my stomach only increased as I knocked on the tall, oak door that separated myself from my father.

"Come in Kyoya."

I did as he said and entered the office, "You requested me to come here?"

"Correct. I believe its time we discuss your future."

"Very well father."

"I understand that you have refused to break your relationship with the commoner (f/n). This however, will be done within the next week."

I clenched my fists, "Is there a reason for this?"

"Of course. One of our partners has graciously offered his only daughters hand in marriage to you. Which I excepted."

"Why was I not involved in this decision?"

"Because you were not needed to be involved in the decision."

"Well it is my life, is it not?"

"It is, but you are to live your life as I say."

"You expect me to break my relationship with the woman I love in order to be married to a woman whom I have never met? Who may possibly be everything I hate and despise?"


"Forgive me for my rebellious behavior, but I will not do as you ask."

"Of course you will."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because if you do not break off all connections with (f/n) (l/n), I will make it so her and her family will never live a comfortable life. They will constantly have to scavenge for enough food, enough money to pay bills and enough to keep their family together. Naturally (f/n) will also be taken out of Ouran."

I stood silent. Would he really do such a thing? Of course he would. He would do anything to make sure his precious company succeeds in every aspect.

"You will be married to the woman of my choosing, or (f/n) will suffer the consequences."

What option do I have? It would be selfish of me to cause (f/n) and her family to go through such hardships. I know what I must do.

"Do we have an agreement Kyoya?"

"..........Yes sir."

"Good. Now go work on your assignments from school. We will go into more detail of your marriage later."

"Yes sir."


My father and I discussed my marriage all last night. He informed me of the importance of this arrangement and what it would do for our company's development. Clearly my fathers company is more important to him than his sons happiness.

I hadn't the slightest idea as to how to tell (f/n). The very thought of making her sad caused my chest to tighten. There is no easy way to do this.

Perhaps I could stay home as if I was ill and take the time to develop a way to tell her. However I am already almost to school and my father would not be please if he found out I was skipping. So to school I go.


I was on my way to the host club when I noticed Kyoya standing by the door with a saddened expression on his face. Could that be from whatever his father had to talk to him about?

"You okay Senpai?"

He brought his attention over to me yet his expression did not change, "I'm fine."

"Come on Senpai, you can tell me."

"I will once I find the proper words."

"I guess that's fair. We should probably go inside before Tamaki-Senpai thinks we were abducted by the mob or something."


I was really starting to worry about Kyoya. He had such a sad face on and no matter what the hosts and I tried we couldn't get him to tell us why he was upset.

Even though I was worried about Kyoya I still had to pay attention to my guests. Nothing so simple has ever been more difficult. How was I supposed to have conversations with these guys if Kyoya looks so upset?

Finally the day was over and if was time for our guests to leave. Maybe now Kyoya will tell me whats wrong.

I was helping Haruhi put away the tea sets when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"(F/n), may I speak with you a moment?"

"Of course Senpai."


I brought (f/n) into one of the empty lounge areas and had her sit down in one of the couches next to me. That's when I noticed the necklace I gave her, still wrapped around her neck. I felt a tight pain in my chest.

"(F/n) I have something important to discuss with you."

"Alright, what is it?"

"I'm afraid we can no longer have a relationship together."


A/N: Whats going to happen next? Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out! Remember to comment and vote! Love you all!!

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