Chapter 4

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I had no idea what was going on with me. Why was Kyoya Ootori on my mind? I've never before been this way about anyone, and it's starting to freak me out.

I'm not the kind of person to be obsessed with the person they like or anything like that. Not that I like Kyoya! Cause I don't. I hardly know him.

Anyway back to what I was saying......what was I saying? You see how badly this is messing me up? Deep breathes (f/n) you can do this. In *inhale*.............. out *exhale*. Okay I can handle this.

I am not falling for Kyoya Ootori. I am simply taken back by the fact that Haruhi always said he was one of the coldest people she has ever met, and yet he seemed rather kind to me. Probably just because he wants me to bring in more profit for his precious host club.

I finished my sketch and decided that I was to never show this to another human being. If they saw this they would get the wrong idea about my feelings towards Kyoya. Not that I care. Cause I don't.

This is not going to be easy. I need to get some fresh air. It was still light out and would be about an hour or so before the sun begins to set so might as well go for a walk.

My house was about a five minute walk to the park which was awesome seeing how the park is the perfect place to sketch the trees and stuff. I sometimes just sit against a tree and sketch the people in the park, but then I feel like a total creeper so I move back to drawing trees.

Anyway off topic again. I was a minute away from the park when a limo stopped right in front of me. Ummmmm what? Why is there a limo in the so called 'commoners' part of town?

I was just about to continue my way to the park when the window of the limo rolled down to reveal none other than Kyoya Ootori himself. Is he following me now? Man, and I thought I was a creeper.

"Where are you headed all by yourself at this time in the day?" why should I tell him? I mean it's none of his business.

"To the park. Why are you here?"

"I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for us to become more acquainted with each other. You are, after all, a host and it is my responsibility to know at least a fair amount of information on each and everyone of the hosts in this host club."

"Ooooookkaaaaay. That's good and all, but how do you even know where I live?"

"Haruhi was cooperative enough to give me that information. Although it did cause her to become rather........curious."

"Well you did ask her for my address without much of an explanation. Of course she's going to be curious as to why you asked her."

"I suppose you are right. Although it shouldn't affect her in any way whether or not I visit you."

"People wonder Kyoya. You can never be to careful."

"Right you are. So to the park you said?"


"Very well. Hop in and I'll give us a ride there."

"You do realize we are like a minute away right? Why not just walk."

"Walking doesn't appeal to me."

"Okay your highness, I think you can manage walking like a normal human being for at least a minute."

Kyoya let out a sigh. Seriously? You can literally see the park from where we are, and you're going to complain about not riding in your limo? Damn these rich people.

I grabbed his arm and walked the few yards to the park. Once we reached the wonderful forest of a park I let go of his arm. I love nature!

I breathed in the fresh air and started walking down the oh so familiar path. I've come here at least a hundred times in the last two years. Yeah like I said, I love nature.

Kyoya walked behind me as we went farther down the path that went through the forest. It was starting to get darker which I thought was odd. I figured we still had an hour but I guess I judged the time wrong.

We hadn't said a word to each other the whole time and honestly the silence felt kinda awkward. So I thought I should get a conversation starting.

"You said you wanted to become more acquainted with me right?"

"That's right."

"So what do you want to know about me?"

"Well there is one question that I would like to ask, but I think it would be rather inappropriate to ask it at this time. I don't believe we have known each other long enough for me to ask."


"Never mind. So where are we going?"

"No where really. Just walking in the woods to help clear my head. I didn't really have a specific destination in mind."

"I see. So we are basically wandering around and could very well be lost and not be able to find our way back to civilization. Am I correct?"

"Trust me, we're not lost. I've been here loads of times."

"That so?"

"It is so my dear Senpai. I've come here ever since I was about.......four I believe. My grandpa would always take me here and explore the woods with me. In fact, majority of my most precious memories took place in these woods."

"Hm. I would very much like to meet your grandfather sometime."

" about that. My grandfather past away last fall."

"I'm sorry to hear that. He sounds like a wonderful man."

"Yeah...he was. He's actually the main reason I applied for Ouran Academy."

"Was he really?"

"Yeah. He always told me that I could achieve great things if I put my mind to it. He would always encourage me to study for my tests and always give it my all. He was the one that taught me all about the history of art, and he taught me how to draw and sketch. In fact a lot of who I am, I am because of my grandfather. I miss him terribly." just then I felt strong arms wrap around me and saw Kyoya hugging me close to his chest.

"I'm glad he did. You're quite an amazing woman (f/n). And even though he's no longer here, he's still with you. As long as you remember someone, they stay with you in your heart."

I started to laugh softly at that.

"What's so funny?"

"You sound a lot like my grandfather. That's something he would've said. Thank you Kyoya."

"You're welcome (f/n)."

Okay so maybe I do like Kyoya after all. And I don't think that's such a bad thing.

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