Chapter 5

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I walked with (f/n) for a while until it began to get too dark to see. So I escorted (f/n) back to her home. Honestly do people actually live in these buildings? They seem quite too small to be a comfortable living situation.

When we reached her front door she turned around and seemed to be contemplating something. Then she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug, "Thank you for this Senpai. It was really fun."

I hesitated before hugging her back, "You're welcome (f/n)."

We parted and I felt colder without her in my arms. Well, colder than usual. I wish I could've hugged her for a little while longer. I need to feel her close to me, but of course I would never admit that.

(F/n) opened her front door after saying her farewells. I noticed her cheeks were a bit pink. However it could have just been the lighting.

I turned to leave with resisting longing to knock on her door and have her back in my arms.


I hugged Kyoya just now. I hugged Kyoya freaking Ootori. I can still feel my face heating up the longer I think about it.

I went up to my room and just collapsed on my bed. Long day. Oh well, better get some sleep before I end up being awake all night.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going haywire. Before I could hit the snooze, I knocked it off my dresser and smashed it on my floor. That works.

I went along with my usual morning routine and before I knew it, I was ready for school. So I went downstairs and was about to leave when my dad stopped me by the door.

"Who was that boy you were with last night?"

"Huh? Oh Kyoya? He's a friend from school."

"What were you doing with a boy that late at night?"

"We just went for a walk and talked. It's not like we did anything bad. Promise."

"Be careful around boys (f/n). You never know what they'll do to get to you."

It took me a second to know what he was talking about but then it clicked.

"Dad. I'm a virgin."

"You won't be for long if you're not careful."

I rolled my eyes and left for school. My dad can be so embarrassing sometimes. It's not like Kyoya would try to take advantage of me. (Other than what he's already doing to raise profits) He's not that kind of guy. Right?

My thoughts were interrupted (again) by a limo pulling alongside me. And guess who it was. Yup, you guessed it. The person riding in the limo was Kyoya Ootori. Well he's persistent, I'll give him that.

"Need a ride?" Kyoya stopped right next to me and gestured for me to join him.

Now normally I would decline any help from a rich person, but I wasn't even close to the school yet and I was running late. So, for just this once, I accepted.

Kyoya opened the door for me and I climbed in next to him. Man. So this is what the inside of a limo looks like. Now I see why Kyoya rides in it so much. If I had a personal limo I would never walk.

"Thank you for picking me up."

"No problem. You seemed like you needed a ride. However I am surprised you accepted my offer without me having to persist too much. Thats not like you."

"Yeah well, I was running late today and like you said, I needed a ride."

"I see."

The rest of the ride was ridden in silence. A very awkward silence. I had no idea what to say and it looked like neither did he. Thankfully, the ride was short.

We exited the limo and entered the school. Since we are in different classes, we parted ways.

I walked into my first class just as the bell rang. I found my usual seat next to Haruhi and pulled out the assignment from last night. This was going to be a long day.
It was the end of the day and I was on my way to the host club. Haruhi told me that Tamaki had an outfit he wanted me to wear to match the 'theme' for today. I have a bad feeling about this.

When I entered the host club I saw all of the other members dressed already. It didn't take long for me to guess the theme, and honestly this didn't make the bad feeling go away.

All of the host members were dressed in togas and had golden leaf head sets. All of the male hosts had their chests somewhat showing while Haruhi had a golden undershirt to keep from anyone finding out her secret.

Right away Tamaki sent the twins to show me my costume and a place to get dressed. It took some effort to get them to let me get dressed alone though.

When I finished getting changed I looked in the mirror. I had my hair in a braided bun, I had a white greek dress with golden edging, and I had a thin golden headset. I actually didn't look that bad.

I left the changing room and went to join the rest of the hosts. Tamaki was giving a lecture to the twins about leaving his precious daughter alone. It has kind of funny the way he obviously loves her and yet can't admit it.

Kyoya walked over to me and when he saw me in my costume he got a little pink. Awe! Its so cute how he tries to keep his cool when he really can't.

"You look nice."

"Thanks. The dress is a little tight around my chest and butt, but besides that it fits great." I said with a smirk.

Kyoya got full red in the face and began writing something in his black book. Haha I'm so evil. Kyoya finished what he was writing and turned his attention back to me.

"I-I'll be sure to adjust the measurements next time we get costumes."

I started laughing uncontrollably, "I was just messing with you Kyoya. The dress fits fine."

Kyoya had a shocked look which quickly turned into a glare with a bit of admiration in it. I just smiled innocently at him.

"That little trick of yours is going to cost you."

"Oh? And what is the cost?"

"Come to my house for the weekend and we can discuss it then." Kyoya smirked at me.

Wait, is he serious? Oh boy. Dad's not gonna be happy about this..

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