Chapter 9: He Doesn't Trust Me

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about that. I'll be there in fifteen minutes, okay?"

She breathed with relief. "Thank you so much."

I hung up the phone and got dressed to leave. Not really caring, I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I was really too tired to care. I grabbed Chao's leash and snapped it onto his collar.

I'm glad he loves car rides.

We made it into the car and drove off in the direction of my old high school. Somewhere I haven't been in over two years and hoped I'd never have to go back again. But it was for a good cause.

Chaos was surprisingly calm sitting in the passenger seat. Usually he's standing against the window and barking at passing cars like it's actually going to do something. At least he was adorable doing it.

I could see the sign to the high school already.

As I drove through the gates, I saw Violet standing on the curb in front of the main entrance. She had an icepack over her shoulder and her cheeks were really puffy. When I put the car in park in front of her, I jumped out and jogged up to her. "I feel so bad, I'm sorry—"

"It's okay." I smiled a little, hoping to ease her mind, "What happened?" I picked her bag up from the ground and timidly pressed a hand to her lower back to guide her to the car.

"I dislocated my shoulder and the nurse had to pop it back into place."

I opened the door for her and Chaos jumped in my seat to make room. "I've had a dislocated shoulder before. Worst pain I've ever felt."

Once she was inside, I handed her the bag. I closed the door and ran to my side and got in. Chaos found a seat in my lap of course. "Tell me about it."

"Are you okay now?" I pulled out of the school and onto the main road.

"Yeah. It's just when it first happened I thought I broke my arm. It freaked me out and all I could think about was the pain."

Chaos walked across the center console and soon settled in Violet's lap. "I'm glad you called. I told you to use the number whenever."

"I know, thank you. I've just had the worst day and it doesn't seem to get better. I just want to go to bed."

"If I told you Chaos decided to decorate my kitchen floor with his food, would it make you feel better?"

I saw her smile from the corner of my eye. "Immensely."

At least I got her to smile.

My phone rang for the third time in the past hour. I kept it propped up on the center console so I could read it. Cristin's name flashed across the screen. I let it go to voicemail. One: I'm driving and two: Why would I answer it? If it weren't for my dad, she wouldn't have my number at all. I couldn't care less if I had her number.

We drove the rest of the way in silence.

I pulled into her driveway and parked. She pulled her bag from the floor and rummaged through, I think in search of her keys. She huffed in frustration, but continued searching. "I forgot my keys. Today just keeps getting better and better."

Violet opened the car door as to get out, but I caught her wrist. "What are you doing?"

"Getting out of the car?"

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