chapter 22

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello my dear readers! I know that this chapter is short but please bear with me. In this chapter all the occurances happen at the same time from different character's P.O.V considering the time frame.  Also sorry again incase of errors. Do comment and vote please. Have fun reading! cheers! 

Chapter 22 

Hardhik's P.O.V 

John comes towards me and tries to punch me but I duck and move towards my left. 

"You want to fight John? I have a black belt in karate." I say. To tell you the truth I don't have a black belt but I have to do something to stall him.  

He comes near me and tries to hit me again but I punch him in his stomach and he moves backwards clutching his stomach in pain and falls to the ground. 

My phone buzzes and that means Dia is free. Raj is still on the line and I take out my phone and ask, "Is she ok?" 

Raj responds, "Yes. Get out now. Sarah's coming."  

What? Sarah? Why is she coming? Oh man! She must be really upset since John's her brother. 

As I try to run towards the door John comes and grabs me tightly from behind and says, "She might have escaped but I will kill you" and points his gun to my head. I should have walked out first but I needed conformation that Dia did escape and because of that I have a gun pointed to my head. 

"I love you Dia" I whisper. 

Dia's P.O.V 

"Oh! I hope Hardhik is alright?" I scream at Tom and Raj, "Let me go. I need to save Hardhik and Sarah."  

Meanwhile Shane runs towards the entrance to stop Sarah. 

"Dia, the police are already taking care of that! You don't need to worry." Says Tom. 

"But Sarah is going there what if something happens to her?" I say screaming on top of my lungs. 

I hate myself right now. This is all my fault. I always end up trusting the wrong people and because of that the love of my life and my best friend are in trouble. Why God why?  

I try to free myself but Tom and Raj are too strong. I close my eyes and pray to Lord Shiva begging him to keep Hardhik and Sarah safe. That's all I can do as of now. 

Sarah's P.O.V 

I rush towards the building and run inside before Detective Ryan tries to grab me. 

Shane is shouting and asking me to come back but I can't. I need to talk to John. 

As I go inside John is holding Hardhik in a death grip and has a gun pointed to his head. 

Oh my God! 

"John, stop it please don't do this!" I say screaming at him. 

He looks at me and his eyes have this cold expression. He doesn't look like the sweet, caring brother anymore. He looks like a maniac. Oh my! 

"Sarah? What are you doing here? Leave now!" he says warningly. As I look at John the elevator door opens and the officers slowly come out from behind.  

"John, please listen to me. don't do this. They are our friends John. They are my friends. I love them. They mean everything to me." I say pleading. 

The cops close in and suddenly grab John from behind surprising him. 

I rush toward Hardhik to help him. 

Then suddenly I hear a gunshot.

Dia's P.O.V 

I finally break loose from Tom and Raj by kicking them in the place where the sun doesn't shine. I know they are my friends but desperate times call for desperate measures. 

I run towards the building and catch up with Shane. 

As we enter along with Detective Ryan we hear a gun shot. We run towards them I see a pool of blood. 

"NOOO..." I scream and collapse on  the ground.

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