chapter 21

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello my beloved readers. I hope that there are no errors. Fingers crossed. 

Thank you so much for reading my book. The story is almost over and I am sure you will be there till the end. I can't for you all to read my new book. I will give the details later. Have fun reading! 

Chapter 21 

"Yes Dia. It's me your husband." He says. 

"What? What the hell are you talking about? I am not your wife! Are you crazy John?" I say looking at him with a horrified expression. Oh my! What the hell is wrong with him? 

"Of course not. When I killed Claire I knew that she passed on that job to you. You both look the same. I might even call you Claire." He says. 

What? Oh my God! I don't understand. He killed Claire!!! Everyone knew that she died in a car crash in Vegas. He thinks I am his wife! He is a nut case. My heart starts to beat twice as fast and I start to panic. I need to get out of here. I need to find a way out before he kills me or something. 

"John, please let me go. I am not your wife. It doesn't work like that." I say. I know that trying to convince a lunatic is of no use but it was worth a shot. 

"You are my wife and you are not going anywhere. I have invited someone over. He will come and as a punishment I will kill him in front of you. You have been a bad girl." He says smirking weirdly. 

"What? Who is coming? Who are you going to kill? John?" I say looking at him with a scared expression. What have I gotten myself in to. He is a psycho. He killed his own would be wife. I always felt weird. I should have paid attention to my inner voice before. What do I do now? 

"I invited Hardhik. You should have just stayed away from him. He is not good for you. I successfully broke up your marriage with his Aunt's help." He says with an evil expression on his face. 

I thought we can finally be together but you had to go back to him. How could you do that to me Dia? I am your husband. Why are all women like this? Claire cheated on me too and now you! I thought I would just kill you both so I set fire to the apartment but you escaped. Now I am going to kill him." He says raising his voice with anger. 

My hands and legs are hurting me. I am feeling dehydrated. I need water. My brain in spiraling out of control from all this information. He wants to kill Hardhik!!!! No!!! I hope that Hardhik will call the cops and not come alone. I want to cry out. Oh Lord Shiva! Please help me. Please don't let him harm my Hardhik. 

"John, please my body is aching. Let me go. I need some water." I say looking at him. He does think I am his wife in an insane kind of way so maybe he will help me. 

He walks towards the table and takes a water bottle and comes towards me. 

"I can't let you go Claire. Here just open your mouth. I will pour some water." He says. 

"I am not Claire. I am Dia. We both are different. I am Indian for god sake's. We don't look anything alike." I say boiling with anger. I mean this guy's switch is completely flipped. Claire was blonde for peat's sake. 

"What are you talking about? Open your mouth Claire before you regret it." he says in a cold angry voice sending shivers down my spine. 

I open my mouth and he pours some water and I drink it. At least I don't feel so thirsty anymore. 

I need to find out how he killed Claire. If I can escape I can report it to the police. 

"John, how did you kill Claire?" I ask. If I keep him engaged like this, in the mean time hopefully Hardhik could contact the police and get help. 

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