chapter 10

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Hey people!!   I want to dedicate this chapter to @hb_ck1708. Thank you for reading my story and encouraging me with you comments. :)  Enjoy Reading!


Today is Friday. I wake to the to my alarm tone T.G.I.F by Katy Perry. It's my special ringtone exclusively for Fridays. It gives me hope that on Saturdays I can sleep in late. I know I sound dramatic but that's just me. 

I get ready to go to office. I enter the kitchen where Naina is looking furiously at her laptop. 

"So what's on your agenda today?" I ask. 

"Well since I don't have a job, I decided to search for one and then Tom texted me and asked  if I wanted  retail therapy and I gladly said yes. Do you want to join us?" she says. 

"No, unfortunately or fortunately I can't. I am going out with John" I say eating an apple. 

"Oh good. So how is that going? Is there a future in the relationship or am I asking too soon" she says winiking. 

"Well I wanted to talk to you about that. You see he seems nice but sometimes the way he talks makes me feel like he is trying to hide something you know, like he is jealous or something. I don't know what to think. May be it's because of what I have been through. What do you think?". 

"Well first of all, don't think so much. You always have this tendency to over think things and second of all you just started dating and today is your second date. Don't rush in to anything. Just go with the flow yo." She says pointing out her fingers like a hip-hop artist. 

"Ahem, really, ' yo!' It doesn't suit you at all and thanks for the advice. It makes sense." I say laughing and head outside towards the lift as she tries to throw something at me. 

I reach the office. I get a text from Rupa saying " Tomorrow at 11:00 am, wedding shopping, be at my place and that means you Dia".

Thank god. I can sleep in  till eleven at least and as expected even though it's a group text I am specifically targeted because I am lazy. Oh well I am used it. 

Today at the office it was just a busy day and thankfully no coffee spilling incidents or any other accidents occur. It's almost five and since I didn't  have any work left I decide to head home and as i enter the lift, Hardhik looks at me and waves. I get in and say 'Hey'. 

"So how was your day?" I ask him. 

"It was good but boring. How about you?" he asks. 

"The same. So what plans for the weekend?"  

"Well Ajay wants me to head over to his place tomorrow. Something about wedding shopping" 

"Oh ya. Rupa wants us girls to meet up too. So I guess Tom will meet you guys as well." I say. 

"Yes. He is joining us." He says as the lift opens and we get out. He waves goodbye as I say bye and leave. 

HARDHIK'S P.O.V.(point of view). 

I decide to head back to my hotel and get in to the lift. As I enter and turn around Dia enters as well. She looks as beautiful as ever. I love her long black hair. I love the way she smiles with her eyes, it's  as if she knows something about me which I don't.  

So how was your day?" she asks me. 

"It was good but boring. How about you?" I asks. 

"The same. So what plans for the weekend?"  

what is true love?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें