Chapter 32

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Storms POV

We all ran, me, lily and the others ran. following the burning sent of the fire people, they were scary.  auntie Alice and auntie Rosalie were running beside me as well as Uncle Emmett, uncle Jasper, uncle alec, uncle felixe and the rest of my family (the volturi) following behind us. after a few minuets we came to a cliff edge. were was mama? my eyes locked on to the limp form lying on the ground. "MAMA" me and lily shouted at the same time. i ran to her side. mama looked so fragile and ill now. she was soaking wet. "mama" i took her hand, she was cold as ice. she wasn't breathing either.

"i she..." i trailed off. i don't want mama dead. she was the best mama. "she still alive some how. her hearts still beating even though she not breathing" i listened carfully to mamas heart. yes it was still beating. i felt relife swim throught me, mama was alive, that was all that mattered. "i want to go home" i whined with big brown eyes that can get any thing i wanted (not all the ime though so im not spoilt). "We can't storm. it been distroyed. the rest of the humans had fled and the city is in ruins." we have no home. tears filled my eyes. we were homeless now. i started to cry. mama was ill and now were homeless. lily had joinded in now. two speacil childern crying can melt a vampires heart (Not physicly).

"why don't we go to our hose in forks, it never really sunshines there so its safe. but you have to hunt out of state.  we along side shape shifers protect the town and its people." shapeshifters? mama had told us about some. they shifted in to huge giant like wolves that eat vampires, i shuddered. "well they don't eat vampires storm, they pull them to p-" edward/dad was cut off by auntie Alice who elbowed him in the ribs. he wincedslightly. i nodded and stood up. "mama's cold" i looked at the sky. i easily cleard away the very few clouds and made it hotter. "come on" Edward/dad picked mama up in a bridal style but she was limp and unconscess. we all ran.


ow my feet were very tired. Antie Alice, Auntie rose, Auntie jane or grandma esme had mostly carryed me or lily but we ran as well. a pair of cold hands picked me up from the ground were i fell out of exaustion. it was grampa eyes felt extreimly heavy i closed my eyes. every thing was gone in to darkness.


we had been running for nearly a day now. strom and lily ran but did alow some of use to carry them since they get tired feet. we stoped in a clearng so we could sort some things out. which i had no clue what about. as soon as wel stopped storm fell to the ground. instanly i wne to pick him up but carlisle got there first. storms eyes slid closed, and soon soft snores followed. Carlisle held him close. even through they didn't know each other proberly they still had a grandparent to gandson bond with each other like he did with Aro, marus and caius. i looked for lily. she was being held by esme ho was wispering in her ear and was plating her white hair. again like with carlisle, Grandma to ganddaugher bond with each other.

i knowed down a tree with little noise possable so not to wake storm and sat down. Voltuerra was my home for over 10 decades, now it's gone, my home distoryed by fire. nothing can repair it. I felt my brother come down and sit next to me. in least we didnt lose each other. he patted my shoulder. "come on jane time to go" i hadn't noticed that they had alrealy finshed talking and were standing realy to go. i stood up from my quick craftswork. we all ran again. strom and lily stayed in their grandparents arms.


i was positive this was a dream, i couldn't be sure though. me and lily were by a cliff edge ay full moon. it was beautiful. the moon looked like a big white sphear in the sky. my white hair shimmered slightly but that was normal. it always did that at full moon. we walked to the edge for no pectuler reasion and looked down. there was a pich black sea. it looked scary. there on the lef was a little beach thing. horror draw up as i saw the crumpled white haired fingure lying on the edge of the beach. her legs half way in. MAMA.

i sat bolt up righ. Grampa Carlisle jumped at my sudden movment in his arms. i started to cry. it was a horrble dream. a nasy one. one i never want to see again. i looked around. we were by a huge house. it looked like a giants house from my perspective but it was big to them any way. "Mama" "she right here storm" Auntie jane said pointing to the sleeping person in edwards/dads arms. she had started breathing again. Grampa Carlisle lowed me to the ground, instanly i ran off to mama. lily was sill talking to grama esme. how long to women/girls talk for. i looked backat mama, she looked peaceful but fragile. "When will mama wake up?" i directed this to auntie Alice, she was the future teller in the cullen coven. "i don't know storm. i can't seem to find that yet., sorry" i pouted a bit and stood up. mama will be ok. good

"storm ou ok i saw you had a bad dream" i stiffened. a bad, bad dream. i shook the images of the dream away. "what was you dream about storm?" uncle emmett asked. but cringed when i gave hiim one of my Death glares. "me no say"  i muttereed, i knew hey heard me. i sat down crossed legged and covered my ears and closed my eyes. i wasn't going to say one world on the subject. i heard edward/dad talking but i ignored him, the stupid mind reader.


I turned to the others who were courous to what storm had dreamed. even i felt a little shaken, a small child of that age should never really have nightmairs about that sort of thing. storm was sitting crssed legging, eyes closed with his ears covered. shuch a stubon child, just like his mother, who was still in ,my arms unconcess. bella did look peaceful in her sleep, but now she never spoke one word in her sleep like she did when she was a full human. "well in storms dream, he and lily were walkng along a cliff edge at night in the full moon. they looked over the edge and saw bella crumbled and broken at the bottem of it, and the tide was comming in" they all looked shocked. even their thoughts were stunnded.

"no wodner he was terrifide, thats not some thing he sould be dreaming at the moment" said esme, her motherly side kicking in. "let me see" Aro grabed my hand and closed his eyes in consontration. "not good, not good, not good" he let me go repteting these word over and over again quietly to him self. marucus and cauis did look pecticuler comfatable about storms dream either and neither did the rest of the volturi and my family. bella choughed up some more water. she had been doing that every a couple of hours to ease her breathing. water spilled on to her cloths, it snaped every one out their daydream. i nealt down and put bella in a sitting postion  and bent her so she had her face looking down as the water came out. she was all limp so her head floped forward then she went forwards. lets hope she getts better.

Again we all took of running towards forks.


hoped you liked it so far. please can you




Immortal by the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora