Chapter 30

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i ran into the castle and into my room. my room had the best viewthrough the window  so you could see more past the city walls. Ashe fell rom the sky like hot black snow. the mashines, obiously wood burning, easy to put out if we had enough water. In the distance where  could see a huge black line which was advacing towards us. the door behind me flew open, it was Aro, marcus, caius and the cullens. "they are advancing from the south, they come through the city gates, they most likely to leave the mashines outside the city with the unskilled fighters, while the skill fire bennders will guard the leader, if i decline the offer then they take imedate action, which could possible happen since i have no intrest in joning them. i appoguse if thats not a good choice but if they take me then they have more power, no one can stop them. they might be human but they can easliy wipe out a vampire if they are constrated propily" i finished my little speech without turn to face them. they came to the window  and looked out to approching army. they were fast, very fast. in the distance you could see a flame thrower being set off every few minuets.

i turned from the window and sat down on my bed. "Mama" i jumped a meter in my seat, storm and lily had entered the room. lily was still holding her ice wolf in her hand while storm was holding a ice sculper of a bear, he probily made that him self hes a smart kid. they pushed past the cullens and climed on to my bed. instinktively pulled them into my arms. "why is everyone by the window" lily asked cousously peering at the others. "their lookeing at the view over the city" i lied, trying to cover the fact you could see the army from it. "we know you lieing mama, you can see them can't you?" storm said and started playing wih the ice bear along the bed frame."yes" i put my face in my hands. A small hand rubbed my shoulders. "mama do you want me to make it harder for them to come closer" this was storm. i removed my hands from my face and looked at him warily

 "what? how?" Aro answered with cousity in his voice. "like this" outside heavy clouds started to from im the sky, soon heavy droplets came from them, soon the rain turned in to hail stones, thunder and lightning started. he was creating a bad weather condtion. i watched in amzment as it soon turned in to a snow storm. nothing like this you would ever see in italy unless you knew of the supernatural world.

the black army slowed down slghtly. "that should slow them down but it won't stop them because of the heat they have." strom said with his eyes closed in consotraition through the thick snow snow you clould see the flames heat the ground trying to make a clear path for them to trample through. "well storm you've defantly thrown a storm at them" caius said amused at the sighed before him. i sniggered and stood up picking up strom, he felt so soft in my arms who will look after him if im gone. well i coulld leave them with the cullens or the volturi if they come in peace with out killing my familys. humm maby i can add to the ice. alice gasped her eyes out of focus. Aro took her hand, jasper hissed but stayed where he was. "well hat are you waiting for" aro droped her hand and turned to me with a grin. "i've always wanted an ice castle" every looked confused.

i rolled my eyes and jumped out the window and in to the courtyard.every one followed minus storm and lily who were in my room to keep warm.i closed my eyes and foused on the water. i never really used this mush of my gift before but no not the time to complain. i opened my eyes. slowy all the water from around and in the city (The humans haven't notest it because they running around like ants) climed up the walls and freezing. soon the whole castle was covered in ice. slowli i don't know why but i made it so it looked naturaly made of ice with all the details on in every room, it was beautiful. evean the snow was finishing it off with a good look. "done" i said cheerfully. everyone looked amazed at my work, it only took 5 minuets.

"wow bella you should become a ice sculpter" alec said storking the wall with his hand. i giglled and walked through to the throne room, yes it frozen the thrones too. "my throne" Caius cryed running over to it "it beautiful" he sat down with a grin. i sighed in disperlive.he so underpredictable some times. i rolled my eyes. "so what do you think?" i turned marcua and aro who were examining their thrones with intrest. "love it" exclamed marcus sitting down smiling. "amazing. so much detail" aro said storking the side with hs marble like finger. lucky vampires are so cold, they would have melted it if they were human who had just swallowed an chilli."Aro i-" i was cut off by a earthquating thud. Shoutes and screams ecoed through the city. instanly i was out looking in to the city. a huged metal holloe ball full of fire had settled in one of the squares a 10 meters away. easlily i put out thr fire, i didn't want them to have an advantage of using it.

i ran in to the castle and pulled my presous childeren in to my arms. i will not leave them. "go invasable" i wispered, they did and so did i. i ran in to the throne room, every guard was there and so were the cullen. i made my self visable next to marcus. he jumped slightly at my sudden apperance but stayed siting. he knew i was holding my childern. but he held his arms out. i handed him lily, who was invisable so it looked strange that marus was holding his arms around with nothing in them. a sudden crash ecoded through the city. they had broken through the iron gate in to volutrra, and were makeing there way here. a few minuets i could hear their feet on the snow so close.

i grabbed lily out of macuses arms and handed them to the cullens. Alice held her hands out and took them both  but put them down so she doesn't look like shes holding them. obviously she know what i planded to do. "if they come,don't fight. i will lead them away from the city." i kepped my face to the door. jane was about to answer but the door blew off it hinges, lily put up her sheild so it splintered at the contact  of it. Lots of men trampled through the door. they stopped a few meters away.Evan through their helmets they had a triumpant gleam in their eyes when they saw me. i stiffened then the leader came forwards when every one stopped. some of them had torches, some of them had lighters, but none of them could create fire.

The leader came forwards and took off his helmet, he was young probily around 19-20 years old but had a burn around his left eyes streching down his neck but the rest was covered the the heavy clothing he wore around him. "well it looks like we were exspeted after all" his accsented voice was soft but had a edge of amusment to it which caused aro to growl softly, ecoed by every vempire in the room. i fixed and carm but sturn with a hint of anger exspression on my face. i may look 18 but i was 23 years of age.

"well well well, you have been busy haven't you"he said admirling the  walls and floor around us. "only the work of the daughter of the moon spriet could do this. now tell me, will you hand her over or will you let yout city die with your selfs" an evil smile sped on his yound lips.


sorry had to end it but do enjoy

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