Chapter 25

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i sat in my room, why is its always me?, what have i done?i groned and floped on to my bed, why? why? why? there was a knock at the door, "who is it?" my voice was muffled by the blackets, "Its me and the children... nap time" janes voice came from through the door i stomped over and wrenched opend the door, storm was asleep on janes shoulder and lily was smiling a way with out a worry in the world. i sighed and picked her up, she was just like me, hated surprises and very stubben.i carried her to my bed, and sat down and lent against the headboard, jane followed and mimeked my actions, "You okay" jane rubbed my hand, then placed a sleeping storm in my arms. he looked so cute when he's sleeping. i looked a head at a painting oppostie my bed.

"its just...hard to see hem again, after what eddie did again, it hurts, and to top it off, i have fire people after me,i allready had in total two people after me, they nearly killed me twice" i glanced at jane in the corner of my eye, she was frouwning, " a vampire called james tryed to kill me when i was a full human" i pulled my hand out of her grip and pulled back the sleeve to show her the sill visable silvery cresant on my hand, she gasped and grabbed my hand for a closer look. her cold finger traced over it, "if you were bitten hen shouldn't you be...." she trailed off, i laughed sadly before answering, "Eddie sucked the venom back out before it was too late while jasper and emmet took care of james" i pulled my hand back and stroked lilys head while she sleped, "You were there when i nearly died from victoria, wern't you" she winced slightly. "i always cause trouble were ever i go" i muttered," No bella you don't, you just happen to be there at the wrong time and place, and don't worry we all will protect you and he children, you know that." she gave a a large hug,"thanks"  i smiled sadly and settled my self for a nice sleep. i sliped in to darkness.


i walked out of bellas room, closing the door quietly so not to wake them, i ran in to the throne room to continue the conversation, Aro, marcus and caius were looking worried and the cullens had a fixed faces. "bella, lily and storm are sleeping now" i walked so i was beside aro. "Good, now do you know why these people want bella " he turned to the cullens, "We do not know why but we know thay will fight to have her, they will come with machines to distroy the city if they don't get their way, luckily they do not know of storm or lily only bella" i huffed out in relife, glad their safe, but what about bella, we can't just abandon her, like what the cullens did before.

Edward winced at my thoughts, he diserved it after what he did. i wonder if we should put bella in to hiding with storm and lily, Alices eyes glazed over, "It won't work, they'll look here first, we all die if they can't find her in the castle, we can't escape, even as vampires they an burn us into ashes with their fire gifts" alice answered a moment later, "What changed" Aro looked frustarted that he wan't like eddie "i thought that we should have bella, lily and storm go into hiding else were" i answered befor eddie did, "i would have worked but no matter what we did, they found her and killed us" edward voice was strained, like he would care, he never showed up to help her when she was a full human, what a good friend *note of sarcarsem*, he flinched, "What can we do?" i turned to alice. "we can't do any ting were stuck," alice buried her head in jasper, i groned and left the room.

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