Chapter 18

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i opened my eyes, they met with gold, oh no did i really do i with him, well he did say he loved me, i know i will all ways love him, it will work out eventualy, right. i slowly got up and wraped the thin blanket around my exsposed body. " Bella...." he whispered. "i forgive to an extent but not full, im still a little cracked" he nodded and left me to change. picked out one of my favort dress. it was blue with different other shades of blue, it went up to my knee and it came with a plain pair of trousers to go underneth. the drees top half crossed over each other and had a big belt that tied at the back. i left the castle and went to the near by river, i stared doing some water bending, but i was weaker at that at the moment. i sighed and truched back in side at a slow human pace.

Somethings wrong, i can feel it, i must find edward, i sped up and ran to his room, i froze in the doorway, edward was there but he had some one on top of him, they were kissing. i felt my heart shatter again in to a billion peices, this was far too over the line, he said something but it ewas distant,"bella its not what you think" i looked at the girl, it was susan, suddenly every thing that was fragile and breackable in cluding the glass in the room shattered, i ran from the room, i sealed my door with ice and put an ice cover over my window. i packed my shoulder bag with the esentrals, cup, hair brush, wallet, passport, ipod, book, chager and my flute. i melted the window, and leped throught it and landing in the empty courtyard. i have to get a way from here. and with that i easily climed the walls of volturra and ran, i can never forgive him now.


i entered bella room, empty, i looked around,there was stuff over the place, i walked around the room a couple of times, this time i noiced there was some her suff missing, i hit me like a ton of bricks, our conversation yesterday, would you ever leave the volturi, thats what she said. i gasped and ran to find aro.  i ran to the throne room, the cullens were there as well as the guards, "jane what is it" Aro said afer looking at my face exspression, "its bella.... shes gone, left" marcus and cauis stood up and were in front of me. "how do you know?" "i went to her bedroom,it missing some of her stuff and she asked if i would leave the volturi, i said i don't know but nw shes left" i put my face in my hands. i feel so useless. i looked at the cullens, i noiced that edward was looking guilty, he must of pushed her off the edge. i looked at him. he fell to the floor in agony, "jane stop" i turned to aro "he pushed her off the edge, he made her leave" shock crossed over every ones faces, "Its all his fault" i ran fron the room, i have to find bella, i didn't need to pace, i ran strate over the wall and through the forets, like no one can stop me.

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