Chapter 7

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i smilied and went in to a crouch as well. Aro, Marcus and Caius joined to watch as well.i ignored them,and consotrated in jane, she charged, i chareded as well, hit her in the middle making her fly back while i did some back flips in to a crouch.

i turned around to face jane, she had got up and faced me, i desideed to use my water bending(i forgot to tell you that my hair and eyes glow white when i  water bend), the cullens gasped as i started to glow, i made the water flow on to the floor, jane looked down, but before she could do any thing else, i froze it , so she was stuck but it didn't last long before she broke out..

i melted the water and made it look like a giant tidal wave then froze is so it was inches from jane face. i laught at her face exspression, then sopped because she charged at me and shoving me back 20 meaters, and in to the fountin which was half full. i spat out the water from my mouth, that seemed to make jane smlie.

i soon wiped that smile off, i sent some water which wraped around her thickly, then froze so she was stuck.

"Alec, felix want to play" i called

instanly they were there with smiles on the faces.

"Of course, why would we miss a chance like this" Alec said slipping in to a crouch next to felix.

they both charged at me i distaracted felix by throing a ball of water at him which turned to ice around him and sending him backin to a wall.While alec attempted to hit me on the head but i ducked and kicked jim in he gut sending him through a wall, i turned to felix who was shaking off some ice.

"You could do better than that"i taunted. felix lunghed at me at the same time as alec who had joined us again. i cartweeled out the way, and felix and alec crashing into each other, making a sound like two boulders crashing together, i laughted, the next think i knew i was spinning in the air, i landed on the floor with an "oof".

I shot some ice/water at felix and he was sent in to Alec who flew back into wall. and was pinned by felix who was in front of him.i moved some water so that it trapped them. behind me i heard KERTASH,  Jane had broken free.

i cocked my head to the side and smiled, and bent to a crouch again and jumped,i landed on her and pinning her down by the arms so she couldn't move.

"I WIN" i shouted leaping up and melated the ice so alce and felix could move again.

"Thats not fair you used your powers" Alec said pouting. i giggled

"I know"i said darting to Aro.

"What can i do now im board, and i doesn't include any of the cullens"i said frowning.

"What you like" Aro said smiling. i skipped a way, humming a way ingnoring the stares behind me as i wen to my room, jane folling behing me at human pace.

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