








"face?" We both fell about laughing as the sentence came to an end,

"This just went way downhill so fast," I joked. We continued to throw words back and forth to make sentences and tried to contain our laughter, however Mark (who was watching behind the camera), was on the floor, crying with laughter.

I prepared myself for the final sentence, turning to Matt and nodding for him to start.

"Ointment," I immediately let out a laugh,

"Erm - ointment... heals,"








"spatulas" We both turned to each other and laughed once again,

"I thought I was better at English than this." I joked, I sat back and let Matt round off the end of the video. I waved goodbye and we turned the camera off, smiling at the result of the video.

"I think that turned out pretty well." He said, packing his camera away. I nodded and watched as Mark walked over to me with open arms,

"I want a hug," He pouted, I opened my arms and held him tightly. He'd gotten pretty tired throughout the day and he was the cutest little being when he was sleepy.

"So, dinner?" Mark mumbled, peeping over my shoulder at Matt.

"Let's do it. You coming too Sean?" I pulled away from Mark and nodded,

"Just gonna check my uploads then I'll be ready." I left the pair in the kitchen and walked into my office, dropping down onto my chair and opening up YouTube. My first video had uploaded and the comments were flooding through, Game Grumps had uploaded too but I didn't have time to watch them before dinner. I locked my computer and wandered into the bedroom, fixing my hair in the mirror and sliding on my shoes.


I sat opposite Mark and watched as he chatted away to Matt about their video ideas, every now and again I'd chirp in but they didn't really need my imput. I pushed my last few chips around the plate with my fork as I listened to them go on, kind of wishing I had somebody else here with me too.

"So who else are you going to collab with for your challenge Matthias?" I asked, looking up at Matt. He shrugged lightly before turning back to Mark and continuing, I didn't know if this was just me being stupid or not, but I felt extremely left out, like extremely with a capital E.

The waiter came over and we ordered our deserts, the only real talk being a discussion on whether to share a pudding or not (the answer was no). Roughly five minutes later my cookie dough sundae arrived and I dug straight in, cookie dough being my favourite an all. I looked up at Mark who had dribbled chocolate sauce on his chin and was about to wipe it for him, however Matt pointed it out first and they fell into fits of laughter. I quickly finished my desert before dropping some money on the table for my food,

"I think I'm gonna head back home, I don't feel too good." I lied, getting out of my chair. Mark's eyes flickered to me and he nodded,

"I'll see you then." I gave him a quick kiss and walked out of the restaurant with my head down, pulling my hood up.

Was I just being silly? Like honestly? Of course their video ideas are important and stuff but when there's three of you, you're supposed to talk like a group. Although, they do say three's a crowd. Maybe I should have just skipped dinner altogether, getting in the way of their bonding wasn't the greatest thing for me to be doing.

I continued to walk in silence as I made my way back to the apartment, wishing I was about to walk in and see the love of my life sat waiting for me.

How unrealistic.

I entered the building and locked the door behind me, heading straight for the bedroom and stripping off into my boxers. I walked over to Mark's clothes and grabbed the blue one off the top that smelt extremely strongly of his aftershave, pulling it on and sliding into the cold bed. I nestled down and got comfy before rolling over and reaching an arm out, only to grab emptiness instead of Marky.

so, this got a lil sad

- any ideas as to what seans secret project is?
- should he risk telling mark?
- thoughts on mark in this chapter?
- thoughts on matt in this chapter?
- was sean overreacting at the end?

*I linked the video sean and matt recorded in case you couldn't guess*

we're gonna start up a channel and people wanted a q+a for the first video:)

thank you x

I hope people are still enjoying this story by the way because the votes and comments are going down, sorry if you're not!

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