Chapter 6: Just Stop The Car!

Start from the beginning

James didn't notice my quickness and pulled a chair up so he was sitting in front of my desk. "Did you see the post about the dinner?" He asked, propping his feet up on the corner of my desk behind the computer.

"Yeah, I saw it this morning. I'm surprised the interns were invited."

"It's mainly for the interns and a few people higher up. He has one every year."

"That's nice of him."

James shrugged a shoulder. "It's for show. He likes the attention."

"And you don't?"

He clasped his hands over his stomach and the corner of his mouth perked slightly. "For the right reasons I do. Don't you?"

I quickly shook my head. "Absolutely not. Once the attention is on me, something always goes wrong."

"Humor me."

Did he really want to know every embarrassing detail? Some of my stories have been hits with friends and family. With James it felt the same. Like I could tell him anything. "I was in a play in the first grade and I only had one line. You'd think it'd be impossible to screw up. When I walked to the front of the stage, I tripped and fell straight on my face. Lost both of my front teeth and had a bloody nose. Wasn't really my finest moment."

James smiled.

"Oh, and we can't forget the time I almost fell when I first met you."

"The highlight of my week to be honest." His broad smile made my cheeks burn.

"Reasons why I'd rather the attention be on someone else. At least I won't have to worry about making an ass out of myself in public." I rushed in one breath.

James was laughing now until his cheeks turned red.

"I can't believe I just said that." I groaned, putting my hands to my own cheeks. They grew hotter under my touch and I wanted to disappear.

His laughing subsided into breathy laughs. "I can't believe you said that."

"I'm glad you got a kick out of it." I covered my face with my hands, hoping that would hide me and help me disappear.

I felt James's warm fingers around my wrists, pulling my hands away from my face. "It's okay. This isn't elementary school. You're allowed to say ass, Violet." He was still laughing at me.

"Good to know." It wasn't until I looked up I realized how close he was.

He did too, because he quickly dropped my wrists and leaned back in his chair. "Believe me, I've said worse here. Especially over the phone." He snorted, "Besides, it was hilarious."

"Your dad wouldn't find it so hilarious."

"My dad doesn't find anything funny. His sense of humor is dryer than a desert. But he does have this fake laugh that sounds like this—" James sat up straight and laughed deeply. It was odd hearing it coming from James.

Now I was laughing again. "He seriously does that?"

"I swear you'll hear it at least five times on Friday. I guarantee it."

"Is that a bet?"

James leaned over the desk with a taunting grin playing on his lips. "I bet you my dad fake laughs at least five times before Friday night dinner is over."

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