I then feel a tug on my shirt. Having that site blink away. Bending back to see who it is. Of cores it is my manger. He says, "Ok man, what is up with you. Oh let me guess." Pointing his finger up, going on, "Your sneaking a peak at the hot girls. I just know it."

Wondering what he meant by that I just say, "Yep you cot me."

"That's great man. Glad you still got it. At least your not dating any of them. That would so hurt your image." My manager chuckles a little at it.

Feeling little batter "Of cores not, I know batter." Laughing it off with a slight chuckle. He leaves me telling I'm on in 5 mints. Feeling even more then ever I can't go out there. What if my manger knottiest more then just looking. I'm known as the one girls would love to date. It says so in Tiger Beat. Meaning I'm not taken. So wishing I said no to this. I guess it's to late. Just have to look professional.

It's time I grin and bare it. I'll have teens screams to think about instead. I take a deep breath and out I went hearing my name.

Jane POF
All ready Olivia calls out Jesse McCartney. Me going wow as I see his beauty. I than shake my head coming back to reality and back to dancing. Ready for what ever this guy has to show. Even if just to make his fans happy, but he dose look pretty hot.

Jesse POF
Walking out totally forgetting Jane is even there. Right when I do I start to hear teen screams. Watching me like a hock. Waiting for what I have to say and show. I do saying "hey, how you all doing? Glad to be a guest today. Let's get right to it and let me show you some dance moves, woo woo!" Swaying this way and that. I scan the room watching every one doing the moves. I knottiest Jane ones again. Making my heart skip a beat. Noticed with a odd look on my face. That she is the only one not swooning over me. Wow so she really isn't a big fan. With a slight smile I couldn't believe it.

Jane POF
I look up from my dance trance. Seeing Jesse McCartney is still there. I knottiest him smiling. Going wow to it, like I have seen it before. Oh but it couldn't be. When I seamed to be the only one knotting that slight lift of his lip. Almost taking me over. I got a hold of my self knowing he is a fames stuck up guy. Just like them all. Even if that smile is nice. Knowing that is not really him. Just making sure he looks sincere to his fans. Oh well, at least it makes me little happy. As if a cute cat. Besides that he is a shallow person. I just know it. Although there was a few times I almost felt more for some reason and then would come back to the world going yuck.

I try keeping my mind on dance. That's why I'm here after all. Not cuss a fames guy is here. I close my eyes letting the music take me. Opening my eyes now an then to at least to see what Jesse is showing us now an then. Taking in some of the moves.

Jesse POF
Almost getting off trac. I come back in the nick of time. Seeing Jane looking so peaceful. I knottiness as I'm telling people what to do next, that Jane is closing her eyes. I wonder why. Don't take much into it, for she looks so cute doing so. When I'm dancing, a thought comes into my head. Oh no do you think what I am doing she thinks is silly. I knew I shouldn't have come out here today. Trying to keep calm, dancing some more. In no time Jane really takes over my mind and I can't stop wondering. To be hold I walk off stage with no second to think. Not even hearing my manger call me. I went so far out the door, I dropped my self to the grass. Looking up at each cloud passing by. With no care in the world, unlike me.

To be hold my manger finds me. He says in a mannish tone. "Ok good I fond you. I can't believe you just went off like that. You don't do that at an interview. I can't believe this is any different." Pacing he goes on, "what is it with you. You can't even look at me when I'm talking to you. What, you think looking up at the sky is batter."

"Gosh why can't you just leave me be."

"Ok then, why were you really looking at thus cute girls?"

I say still laying there, "just admiring the beauty out there that's all." Sitting up crossing my legs saying, "why is that so hard to believe."

My manger flaring his arms in front of him saying, "it isn't, just something had to make you leave so suddenly. I just can't put my finger on it. Or is it that the cute girls were becoming to much for you."

"You got me. You just know me so well."

Sits down next me on the grass saying, "Wow, you of all people. I would have never thought seeing so many hot girls would make you rush off."

"I guess this rare time it did." Being glad he still didn't really know why. When it is cuss of girls but only one and not cuss of so much hotness or cuteness, well some.

"I guess I can understand. You do go to this school after all. When you see them day to day. Hoping when your up there they don't figure that out."

Patting him on the shoulder saying, "got that right."

Pushes him self up and says, "ok lets get back in there."

"If it's ok with you, I think I'm done with that today."

"Ok I guess this ones won't hurt. I'll go tell them."

"Thanks man, your the best."

"Yep that's me the man, at least this ones"

"Got it," and off he goes leaving me alone ones more. I just lay back down on the grass thinking back to what's really up. Wondering about it and what it means. Saying to my self, I can't believe I care so much. It's not like she knows. Well maybe that's worse, as her first glans is na. What is my Jesse self just na to her. God brain, just tell me. I leave it to that. Or at least try ones again. Just as I'm getting up and walk on. Being glad my manger didn't make me go back in there. I think I would really loos it if I did.

Jane POF
A breve moment opening my eyes, I knottiest Jesse leaving suddenly. Wondering for a sec. Then Seeing some older man come out. Telling us thank you for having us. "Jesse McCartney is very glad he could make it today. He had a lot of fun. You were a great group of girls. Have a good rest of your day." Then off he went. As I was thinking throw it all. Wow, I can't believe Jesse can't talk for him self. Only a little niceness for him. Then, when it comes to much, off he goes and this guy steps in. He must be better at interviews, or at least he looks it in between ads. I can't believe even for one's I saw a real man in him. I see I was wrong. That just shows you can't always believe what your hearing or seeing. I just can't believe out of all the times he hit me that one's, some how. Oh well that's slebs for ya

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