"I Don't Feel..I Twerk"

Start from the beginning

Alex: "Yes, cabbage. The green stuff. Or the purple stuff, we don't discriminate."

Johnnie: "Uh, Alex, I don't think that's-" Alex raised a finger to his lips.

Alex: "Shhh, just let it happen." She faced us again with an awaiting gaze and I giggled.

Des: "Alex! No curse words!"

Bryan: "It's the internet, you're allowed to swear." He chuckled.

Riv: "Dude, you've literally been doing it this entire time."

Des: "Really? Well,...fuck me-"

Me: "Not now, maybe later." Des leaned back and laughed lightly, the interview continuing.

Kat: "Uh, you mean weed? Are you trying to code a way to say drugs?!"

Riv: "I'm with Kat on this one. If you want to know about weed, just ask, dude. I can text Mike to give you a seminar on it. Trust me when I say, we get it all the time."

Me: "I'm a vegetarian so, I love it!" Alex walked over and sat next to me, pushing Jhonnie over.

Alex: "Vegetarian you say?" I giggled and nodded.

Me: "Yeah, have been since I was adopted. Kellin and Tony showed me their lifestyle and I fell in love with it. The idea of saving animals is the best thing in the world to me." She nodded.

Alex: "Uh huh, so lettuce as well?"

Me: "Absolutely!"

Alex: "Me and you are gonna be good friends."

Me: "I hope so." Bryan waved his arms around.

Bryan: "Hello?! Talk shop later, how about now we finish my video? We only have a few more questions." She pouted and huffed.

Bryan: "If you were a movie, what would be your soundtrack."

Des: "I Wanna Dance With Somebody and I'm A Goofy Goober on repeat."

Kat: "Bird Is The Word."

Riv: "Rebel Love Song by BVB and Second And Sebring by OM&M."

Me: "Ohh, I see what you did there. Nice. But, uh, probably Kick Me by SWS." He nods and flips pages.

Bryan: "Two more. If you weren't in the band, where do you think you would be?"

Des: "In Neverland. 'Cos i would be lost, boy!" 

Kat: "Honestly, I would be helping President Obama by killing humanity."

Riv: "Probably at Bdubs all the time"

Me: "I don't know where we would be. None of us had jobs before this. Besides Des being a goalie for, like, a week before getting lazing and quitting." I laughed.

Des: "THEY GAVE ME OWIES!" I laughed again and rolled my eyes as Kat playfully rocked Des like a baby.

Kat: "I know, sweetie, I know." I shook my head and continued.

Me: "So, probably looking for some jobs. Living off of our parents in their basements too."

Bryan: "Last one. Describe your experience so far with one word."

The whole room went quiet. Trying to pick an honest answer, I guess. This time I went first and It went down the opposite way.

Me: "Uh, indescribable."

Riv: "Awesome."


Des: "Pizza."

Of course, Barakat would ruin an honest answer. Oh well, it's who she is.

Johnnie: "Any words to your fans?"

Me: "Yeah, uh, go buy our album 'Exkape' and-um. Yeah, I love you!"

Riv: "Always run."

Kat: "Where am I again?"


All Of Us: "See ya'!"


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