Chapter 28

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I look down at the dress I borrowed from Hannah who apparently got it as a gift from the club. She was right about one thing though, despite the fact that I cringed when she mentions the club, is that it fit me perfectly. It emphasize my curves, ones that I didn't know were there.

The dress is a black number, silver diamante trim with a sinner's neckline which is so low that I am sure my breasts need to be taped in. I give a little jiggle and thankfully, they obey.

"Wow! Don't do that again," Jean comments as he sits at the edge of my bed, his eyes popping from their sockets.

Mom isn't here, not that it matters for she would be more than happy for Jean to visit me and be allowed to come to come to my room rather than ... I trail off, not wanting to think about her tonight. I bet it would be a relief to see him here; it didn't matter who, as long as it isn't a girl.

What a joke. I inwardly roll my eyes.

I blush under Jean's boggling eyes and grab the feather mask from my dresser. It is perfect for covering half of my profile, which gives nothing away.

"So," I turn to him. "You know what you have to do tonight, right?"

He simply nods, his eyes transfix on my cleavage. I snap my fingers and roll my eyes.

"It would be nice if you could focus," I say.

"Um," he gulps. "Yes. Stay close when you leave to go to the bathroom, cling to Charlie, but not enough to get her suspicious."

"Good," I smile at him, and then look at the time. "Let's go."

Before I could go to this party, Hannah warns me about how I should think about what I'm doing, how dangerous it is and that I should just leave it alone and let the grown up deal with this. True enough, but so far I have not seen anybody do anything besides me who is putting my life on the line to put a stop to this.

As Jean and I make our way downstairs, it surprises me to find that Niall is home. Ever since that outburst, I have been trying to avoid him and not hear his excuses. When we're going down, he's coming up and I can see from his face that he did not recognize me but when it finally syncs in, he gasps.

"Sis, where are you going dress like that?!" he asks.

"Out," I say side stepping him. He reaches for my arm, but I snatch it away from him.

"Lea, please. Don't be like that. I said I was sorry." He did, but I still can't find it in me to forgive him.

"It's just words, Niall. Nothing, but empty words." I retort back to him, "now out of my way." I push him aside.

"Stay away from the clu-"

But I cut him off when I slam the door shut behind me. I am not in the mood tonight to forgive and forget. Tonight belong to Isabel and I am ready for her. I think.

Charlie picks us up at the corner of my street. I didn't want her to see where I live since she is Isabel's daughter and all. I think about that time when she told me that her mom came to know who I was through her yearbook, and I wouldn't put it pass her to show Isabel where I live if it comes to it.

"What's he doing here?" Charlie asks, nodding towards Jean once she sees him walking along with me.

"Oh, don't worry about him." I wave my hand nonchalantly. "You don't mind, do you? He's catering at your house and he needs a lift."

She raises an irritable eyebrow and I can see the comeback close on her lips, but then her eyes meet mine and I smile innocently and jiggle my cleavage like Jean told me not to.

Our Darkest Deeds (Lesbian Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt