Chapter 18

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I woke up the next day with an excruciating headache that felt more like a symptom of a hangover. It's so hot that I'm sweating uncontrollably, it's possible that I've catch a cold. I pick up my laptop and phone, and then go sit in the living room.

I am still looking for a way to sneak into a police office, but so far Google has not given me a clue on how to do that. I wrap the sheets around me, my head throbbing like crazy. I sniff and then put on my headphone; maybe listening to music will help clear my head out.

I think about how to do it on my own without any help and the best way I can think of is by pretending to be a student interested in interning and just gathering information. Sound solid enough to me, and convincing. I get off the bed and go get ready for school.

I eat breakfast with mom while she keeps eyeing me like she knows I'm up to something and instead of giving her any hints that I really am up to something; I keep my head down.

"I just want you to know that I am dealing with Hannah's case, and that you have nothing to worry about." She said as she takes sips of her coffee.

"What are you, a cop?" I ask finishing off breakfast.

"Just come home straight from school, no detour." She looks at me sternly, but I ignore that tone of her voice.

"Whatever mom," I go rinse my mouth and then leave for school.

For my plan to work, I will have to leave in the middle of class, and I have to come up with a cover in case someone wonders where I am and decides to call my mom.

I'll do it around lunch time. I nod to myself, content with the plan. I go to class and be the good student that I'm supposed to be. I take down notes, and try to pay attention. I have not talk to Morgan ever since she confessed or Jean ever since he told me about the files.

I sigh.

"Is there a problem?" the teacher asked

I look to see who she's talking to which turns out to be me, "no, not at all." I answer.

"Is my class boring you?"

I hear a snicker but pay it no mind.

"Just trying to solve the problem at hand, this seems to be hard." I say honestly, at least it's not all a lie, with me having to figure things out for Hannah and juggle school at the same time.

"We can talk about it after school," she said and turns to face the board. I bite my lips. Too bad, I won't be there.


I purposely eat lunch in the cafeteria; it's where all the witnesses are. I absentmindedly twirl the pasta in my fork, my headphones on as I listen to music, my hand holding my head. Five more minutes, five more and then I will be out of here.

I need to change, I thought.

Someone slam their book where I am sitting, startling me. I look up to see Charlie standing in front of me.

"What?" I eye her suspiciously.

"Sorry, thought this would be the only way to get your attention." She said.

"Well, you got it." I put both hands on the table and intertwine my fingers, looking straight at her. "How can I help you?"

She looks back at me, "can I sit here?"

"Would you go elsewhere if I say no?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Not even if I have information?"

"I'm listening," I take my hands off the table.

"Can I sit?"

"Sure, if you tell me what I want to hear."

She sighs, "My mom wants you."

"Tell your mom I'm not interested."

"Ew, gross." she makes a disgust face. "She saw you at the club, of course she got her guards on the lookout for you but ..." she trails off biting her lips.

"But what?" I lean closer.

"She saw my yearbook and you in it. She asked for information, I don't know what's going on or why she's suddenly interested in you. I told her you were one of my classmates," she finishes.

"And who is your mother?" I ask.

I suddenly have a syncing feeling.

"Huh?" she asks confused as she gets ready to sit despite the fact that I haven't say yes. In fact, I don't even know why she wants to sit with me especially because she has her groupies; she already gave the message, shouldn't she be leaving by now.

"Who is your mother, Charlie?"

"I don't know how that's any of your business," she blushes looking away. Could she ashamed of people knowing about her mother running a strip club or something?

I get up fast, and a little too quickly. If this was any other artificial table, it would've flipped over. "'Is her name Isabel?"

"H-how do you know that?"

"Is she running a club called Erotica Mara?"

"S-s-stop," she stutters.

"Why? It's the truth, isn't it?" I glare at her.

She looks around, afraid that people might overhear our conversation. "And why is your mom digging around on me?"

"I-I-I don't know, okay?" she gets up too, and pick up the book she slammed on the table to get my attention before. "You're such a freak," she yells. "No wonder people don't like you!" she spits.

"People don't like me?" I tilt my head to the side like a zombie, "I didn't know that." I say nonchalantly.

"Ugh," she grunts and walks away.

I curse under my breath, sigh and then sit back down. I scare her away before she could give me the message; what she had said sounds like details to me, and I doubt that was the real message. While picking up my tray, a piece of paper flutters on the floor.

I pick it up and carefully open it, only to read:

You've got potential. Come work for me, that or I'll snap her neck so quick, you won't even get to say good bye.

A shiver runs down my spine. I look around to see if they person might still be around but the only one that got close to me up until this moment was Charlie. By the door stood the Janitor, and the chaperone of the cafeteria; nothing out of ordinary, I look at my watch. Five minutes has passed, ten more until the bell rings. I folded the paper, tuck it in my bag and make my way to the bathroom.


I open all the stalls and make sure that no one is in any of them, and then I drag the chair by the door and tuck it under the door knob; once settled, I put my bag on it and pull out another outfit that I brought with me. I change into a pantsuit, put on the not too high heels which remind me to take back the one I had left at the club; and then I undid my hair, and let the curls fall on my shoulders.

I run my fingers through them to get rid of knots, and then I did my make up and put on fake glasses that I found in mom's office. Before someone knocks at the door, I remove the chair. I open the door and look for students in the hallway. I still have three minutes before the bell ring.

I step out and make my way to the exit, while opening the door; I see a glimpse of Morgan by the stairs. Between her legs is a girl looking up at her, and her looking down as she runs her fingers through her hair – a genuine smile on her face. The sound of me pushing the door open catches her attention, and she looks up at me.

Her eyes widen, I shake my head not believing my eyes and before I find myself crying; I walk out the door. I did not turn around or stop when she calls out my name.

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