"What are you doing" I asked her

"You leaving "

"Yes I cant do this anymore"

"Why did your family find out"

"No and even if they did it wouldn't matter , its non of your business why im quiting "

I walked passed her and she stopped me .

"Kendall wait !"

I looked at her not wanting to speak to her at all
"Im listening"

"Umm I was wondering if you don't mind , can we go out for lunch sometime when your free I nees to talk to you"

"Why would I wanna have lunch with you"

"Cause I need to talk to you its important"

"Fine , but I will see if my schedule is free this week"

"Kul " she smiled

I gave her a faint smile and walked to my car . That was weird I wonder what she has to say , but for now im glad im done with this place .

"Kendall" I familiar voice called out

I looked behind me and Mayson was standing there

"Mayson what are you doing here"

"I came to check out the new stip club I heard you srip here "

I looked at him in shock and swallowed hard

"Umm no no I use to but only once I called out today so im no more, how do u know  "

"Paris told me , why strip its not you "

"Obviously Paris would open her mouth , I know Mayson and thats why I quit meaning I no longer work here "

"How many times did you even stip here"

"Once nothing big "

He looked at me with his shocked eyes
"But im all done now , so you can go see Paris shes doing it and shes  lovin it "

"Paris ???"

"Yes Paris , didn't she tell you she has been doing this longer than me "

"Nah what the f*vck , are you foreal " his voice got louder

"Yeah shes in there as we speak " I mentioned the big door

He looked at the door and headed to it
I walked behind him he was super angry and he yelled out Paris name

Quintin came out from his office

"Ey man , if you wanna watch the show you need to go the other way " he said mentioning the other doors

"I dont have time for this where ma gal at" he pushed Quintin aside

"PARIS !!!"

I was about to go on stage when someone yelled out my name

"Who the h*ll is screaming out my name"

"PARIS WHAT THE F*VCK IS THIS" Mayson came towards  me

At this stage I was shocked how did he even know I was here , but then again I saw Kendall standing there looking at me with a smirk on her face .


"Nothing im im - im just "

"You know what save the bullsh*t"

"Im sorry"

"You sorry , why didn't you tell me you did this"

"Cause I was scared you gonna leave me "

♡Its Complicated♡BOOK 1 (AUGUST ALSINA &KAYLA PHILLIPS) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora