"Thats it? Ok fine!! Just get off me you Weirdo!"


***They stop rolling***

"Annnd? Hurry up you are heavy V!"

"And you will promise not to fall in love with anyone but me....."

"V... I....I....-"

Door suddenly opens and THE GUY FROM YESTERDAY WALKS IN!!!!

"Wow looks like you two got along quite well" he says

I was about to question what in the world is he talking about? Until I realize that we are still in this awkward position ....I look at V and V looks at me I quickly push him off which makes him fall back and hit his head on the corner of the couch....oops
V starts talking

"Jimin? What are you doing here?"

"Oh umm I came to see Sang Hee..."

He grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the door

"Sorry V!" Jimin says "I'll explain everything later...."


Wow so he let me go with some dude that I don't even know?! How niicceee! Well atleast I'm out of the house! Ugh I still can't believe I said "I love you" to him OMO noooo! I was so busy with my thoughts that I almost forgot that Jimin is still holding my hand....

"Umm Jimin? You know you are still holding my hand right?"


"Yep"? That's all he's gonna say? Wow ok then

" Jimin? How do you know V?"

"Oh I knew him since about 5th grade we are pretty good friends"

"Ohh I see.....well where are you taking me??"

"To one of your favorite places" he said with a a sweet smile

Ahhh His smile is so cute! >_< wait....one of my favorite places? How would he know we technically just met! (Well yesterday didn't count... I was drunk..)
After like 2 minutes of walking in silance I see like 15 squealing girls running our direction... what in the world? The girls start yelling


"who is that?" I ask

"Oh that haha well they are something like my "fans" I was really popular in high school....wow I can't belive they still chase me"

The crowd of squealing girls got closer and closer

"And now we run!" Says jimin

Annnd we start running....wow....no wonder he looks so fit...running away from girls every single day seems like a workout to me haha 5 minutes later we finally lost the crowd

" Well here we are! "

Oh my gosh! That's my favorite ice cream place! I haven't been here since I got arranged to V! Waaaaiittt is it creepy that he knows that I like this place? Haha its not like he knows what my favorite ice cream is NOW THAT would be a little creepy!

" 2 Chocolate chip Cookie dough please"

WHAT IN THE WORLD????? HOW DID HE KNOW?! the creepy thing is that he didn't even ask me!!! Whhhaaattt is thisss!!!

Jimins POV

I could see a surprised look on her face, typical Sang Hee never hides what she feels
We got our ice cream and went to eat outside We sat by the little fountain
...her favorite place to sit, ok now I think she will think I stalked her or something Sang Hee starts the convo

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