23 - "Fucking cover yourself! I can't even look at you right now!"

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"Austin wake up! Austin wake up! Austin wake up!" Isabella chanted jumping on our king sized bed, making me move along with the mattress.

"Gattina, it's too early. . . " I croaked out, shoving my head back into my comfy pillow. 

"Babe. . . get up! Please!" She whined out, shaking me awake with her hands. 

"You promised me that you were gonna take me out to lunch! Wake up!" Isabella pleaded, shaking my body some more as I let out a strained groan. Stretching my arms above my head I sat up, making Isabella squeal out a finally

Shoving the covers off of my naked body I got up, stretching some more. Isabella let out a whistle from behind me making me smile at her failed cat calls. Isabella called out my name, as I turned around, only for her to yell out catch me as she threw herself into my arms. I staggered back trying to balance myself with her body secure on my arms. 

"Fuck, I almost dropped you." She let out one of her usual giggles, and grabbed my face into both her hands, almost kissing me stupid like the first time she met me while she was drunk. Letting out a soft I love you in between her first kiss, she kissed me again. Isabella dropped her legs onto the floor few moments later, leaving me there with my lips puckered like an idiot. 


"So this is Conner's new place?" Isabella inquired looking around his new restaurant. I mumbled out a response to Isabella. 

People were seated around fancy tables as a security guard was standing in front of the staircase that led to the second floor of the restaurant, which was specifically made for family members and very close friends. If you weren't a Mahone, or a Demyanovich you weren't granted access, and would be immediately escorted and be charged with life threatening consequences if you went up there without permission. 

I walked up the stairs with my hand intertwined with Isabella's as her heels clicked on the gleaming wooden stairs. She looked around at her surroundings once we reached the top. Tugging on my hand she squealed some more once she saw the set up. According to her Conner out did himself, It was spectacular

Conner and I with the help of Carter, kind of had set up a special lunch up on the roof, which is where Isabella and I would be having lunch. But first I had to come and greet my family who were currently yelling out my name as if I hadn't already seen them. Fucking idiots! 

I greeted my mom first who looked excited to see me with Isabella. Then my dad who looked a bit skeptical, along with Scarlet who was ecstatic to see her best friend again claiming that I was stealing her away. 

My family wasn't the only people whom were gathered along side that table. With them were Giovanni and Lorenzo who were talking amongst themselves giving me little smirks here and there as their eyes trailed all over an oblivious Isabella. I let go of Isabella's hand giving her an assuring push to Scarlet as they both squealed and engaged in some dumb conversation that I couldn't care less about. 

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