18 - "Revenge."

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"I cannot fucking believe you did that!" I shouted pacing after Austin who was moving around and about his room as if yesterday never happened. . . as if his controlling freak ass didn't drag me to my doctor's and make me take another one of my sessions. Just fucking great! I wanted to be a normal person for once. . . but of course things never go my way!

"It was for your own good." Austin casually commented, fixing his tie as he ran his fingers through his hair a few times. "You don't know that! I know what's best for me, not you!" I retorted as he simply informed me that I was going to be attending my next session as well. Attending the next session my ass. 

"You're so fucking annoying, who the hell do you think you are controlling every damn aspect of my fucking life?!" I pushed on his back as he stood there standing in front of his mirror putting on his gold rolex watch. 

"Your boyfriend." He replied with as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"But I guess that might be too much for you so. . ." He trailed off, stopping when he noticed my expression. . . if he wants to break up with me then fine. . . see if I give a shit. . . I might kind of give a shit but who the hell am I to force him into something that he didn't want in the first place.

"Okay." I backed off, nervously chewing on my bottom lip as I slowly turned around walking towards the door. You know I was kind of hoping he'd come after me and kiss me stupid and tell me that he was just messing with me but he didn't. . . he let me walk out the fucking damn door which made me even more angrier and frustrated than before. Fuck him. . . 

I drove back to my apartment, as I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Slipping off my shoes I noticed a few of my items were misplaced. . . weird. . . Scarlet doesn't touch any of my things. . . Sauntering over to the kitchen I realized it was a mess. . . my heart beat sped up as I covered my mouth with my hand and tried my best to not make a sound. What the fuck was going on. . .

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall guy sitting down on one of my couches. . . that's when I screamed, running for the door. I guess he didn't like that reaction from me too much so he tightly grasped my hair in his hand and yanked me backwards as I continued to yell. 

"Shut the fuck up!" He demanded as I flinched when he raised his other hand. 

"Who are you?" I tried to keep myself calm. . . think Isabella fucking think! You didn't take those damn boxing classes for nothing! 

"Alfonso, Alfonzo Barsetti." His long fingers danced on my throat as I fought back tears and tried to hold back a panic attack. I couldn't have that happening. . . not now especially. . . he released his grip on my hair as he softly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my body to him.

"What do you want Alfonso?" I asked in a quiet voice as he inhaled my scent and pressed a kiss to my throat, making me flinch away in disgust. 

"Revenge." A malicious smile formed on his lips as I started yelling again for help making him smack me across my mouth cutting my lip with the end of his nail. 

"Help! Someone help me!" I screeched running into the kitchen as I grabbed a plate chucking it in his direction as it hit his head making him curse out. The door to our apartment opened as Scarlet appeared, shopping bags in her arms indicating that she just came back from the mall. She set her bags down as she looked around the apartment feeling a bit uneasy.

"Isabella? What's wrong?" She questioned worriedly, as I tried to run towards the door but before I could Alfonso gripped onto my upper arm tightly, his nails digging into the bare skin of my arm. 

"Alfie? What are you doing?" Scarlet asked. . .stepping back a bit, overwhelmed at the entire situation.

"Scarlet! Run! Get help please!" I cried out as he smacked me across my face as Scarlet yelled for him to stop. "Alfie! Stop you're hurting her! What's wrong with you?! Where the hell is Lorenzo, and Giovanni?!" 

"They couldn't make it, seems like I'll have fun with her all by myself." He grinned deviously, making me cry out again for some sort of help. 

"Scarlet!" I begged as Alfonso picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as I kicked and screamed some more. Scarlet running over as she tried to get him to put me down. Which only earned her a backhand to the face making me whimper. 

"Austin's going to kill you for this you know. Stop, what ever the fuck you're going to do, just stop and we won't tell him." Scarlet tried to compromise as he let out a sinister laugh. 

"Scar, it's best if you leave our shit between us men before you get involved even more than you already are. I could drag you up here as well." Alfonso threatened, yanking her hair as I smacked his face angering him even more. 

"Oh you stupid little bitch, . . . you're going to regret that." He smacked me across the face again making me yell out for Scarlet to run and call for help. 

It was only minutes later that I found myself wound up on a bed still yelling for help as he kept smacking me left and right.

"You're going to feel the pain he put Ellie through." Alfonso whispered onto my skin biting it harshly as I screamed once again. 

"Stop, please! I don't know you why you're so angry at me, I didn't do anything! Just please stop, I'm begging you!" I pleaded tears were coming out of my eyes at this point, I couldn't help but feel my panic attack come over me. 

"Put your hands in the air!" A voice demanded from the door way of Scarlet's room making Alfonzo chuckle darkly as he raised his hands. He was cuffed and read his rights as other police men flooded the room.

One of them helped me get off the bed and into a nearby doctor's arms as they ushered me out of the building. I couldn't stop crying no matter how comforting their words were, I just couldn't control my breathing at this point. Last I remember is Scarlet yelling out my name, and me behind guided into an ambulance. 

[9/16/16 this picture of Kim is me rn]

[9/16/16 this picture of Kim is me rn]

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Until Next Time

-xoxo, A

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