43 - "So, What's For Desert?"

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"Hey baby, you ready to go?" Peeking into Austin's office I saw him behind his multiple computers, with a stressed look inscribed onto his face.

He groaned rubbing his face with his hands before letting out a gruff response, "Fuck baby, I'm sorry. . .but I don't think I can take you out tonight. I know I promised I would. . . but- like. . .I have a lot of more responsibilities that I really need to take care of right now."

"Oh." I simply said, a bit disappointed that I had gotten all dressed for absolutely nothing. . . oh well. . .

"It's fine." I gave him a tight lipped smile.

"No -fuck, babe, I'm really sorry." Austin sputtered, standing up.

"Stop, it's okay. I understand, this trip wasn't a vacation for you anyways. We can do this another time, stop stressing." I assured, wrapping my hands around his neck as he set his hands on my waist and pressed his forehead to mine. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before whispering an I love you, making me smile.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" I queried.

"No, I've been so busy-"

Cutting him off I spoke up again, "Hey, hey, hey stop that! How about I make something and we can eat together in here? Does that sound good?" My hands raised to his head and brought it down, closer to my face as I twined my fingers in his hair.

"That sounds, perfect." He breathed, brushing his lips over mine before kissing me softly. Biting down on to his bottom lip he let out a quiet groan pressing himself flush against me, his fingers dug into my ass. I pulled away from his swollen lips. I saw him with his lips puckered and eyes closed and couldn't help myself but to kiss him one last time before I swiftly walked away leaving him there to catch his breath.

Deciding to change into something more comfortable I picked out one of Austin's buttoned dress shirts. Sliding off my dress I dressed myself in his shirt. Fuck pants, it was way too hot in this house for pants anyways. 


In the kitchen I spontaneously decided to make some tomato soup and serve it with some crackers on the side to top it off. I gathered some chicken broth, concentrated tomatoes, some heavy cream, and basil leaves. The salt and pepper resting on the counters to top it all off. 

Mixing the chicken broth and the can of concentrated crushed tomatoes I brought the concoction to a light boil. Stirring in the heavy cream I let it rest on the stove, cooking for a few more minutes, as I got out some saltine crackers. 

Deciding to also add in some toasted cheesy bread I got to making that as the tomato soup boiled on the stove. Getting out the bread, I toasted it. Lightly spreading on some extra virgin olive oil, I added on some shredded cheese on top of the oil and garnished it with some black pepper. Putting the bread into the oven so the cheese could melt I took off the soup from the heat and served it into some white bowls. I added in the basil leaves on top and some black pepper and salt as garnishing. After the toast was done I simply put our food onto a tray with the soup and crackers, grabbing some napkins I set them onto the tray as well, and carried it into the office where Austin was still working. 

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