Memories (Part 1)

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Goldie's POV
It was day at the pizzeria and as usual it was really busy. But today I decided to take the day of and just take a stroll around the city for a bit.

I put on a change of clothes that the manager gave me so it wouldn't be obvious that I had golden bear ears. And since it started raining a few minutes ago, this outfit was perfect. I wore a yellow long sleeved sweater with a hoodie. The hoodie had two holes for my bear ears so people would think that this was a design. I wore black pants and black rubber shoes.

It was really nice for the manager to accept us when we were murdered. He was really kind and caring to us, and at the time we were only kids so he was practically a father to us. He even built secret rooms in the pizzeria for each of us and no one, not even the others employees, known about the rooms. Just me and the guys and the manager of course.

I was in my room, which had yellow walls, a bed with blue bedsheets decorated with yellow stars, a desk with drawers and on top were a few books, a lamp, and a pencil holder with a few pencils and pens, and a chair. My room ws hidden under the kitchen. Before I left the manager came in.

"Be careful okay? Stay safe and don't come back to late. Okay?" The manager said with a smile.

"Of course. Don't worry I'll be back." I said smiling back. "Bye." I said, giving him a quick hug, grabbed an umbrella, and I went out of the room.

As I entered the main party room I saw the others were on stage, as usual, performing their usual songs while Foxy told stories to some of the kids in Pirates Cove (This was like before "The Bite of '87").

When they saw me I gave them a quick wave before I left he pizzeria.


I walked to a random direction since I really had no specific place to go and ended up passing by the park. I decided to sit and rest for a bit on one of the park benches. As I sat down on a dry bench under a tree and I saw lots of kids with umbrellas and jackets running to the playground in the park. I smiled as I remembered when me, (Y/n) and the gang used to play in the playground when we were kids...


"Come on Goldie! Your so low!" (Y/n) called out as she continued to run ahead with the others as we arrived at the playground.

"But I don't wanna run!" I called back as I lazily walked to them.

"Oh come on Gold! Were gonna race!" Bonnie said.

"I don't wanna." I said as I finally caught up with the others.

"Why? Too scared your gonna lose to me again~?" Foxy taunted.

"Well duh! Your like the the fastest from all of us!" Chica exclaimed as she folded her arms.

"I know. And none of you guys has beat me!" Foxy said proudly.

"Until today! Cause were gonna beat you!" (Y/n) said with determination in her eyes. "Right Goldie?!"

"Ya!" I said, my blood boiling as I was now pumped up.

"Then its settled! A race!" Freddy exclaimed. "I'll be the person that tells you when to go."

"Oh okay." Bonnie said as we all took our places near a tree.

"Come on Chica!" (Y/n) said.

"I'll pass. I'll just watch you guys with Freddy. I'm not in the mood for a race." She said as she stood in the sides beside Freddy.

"Suit yourself." Foxy said.

"Okay first one to the other side of the playground wins!" Freddy exclaimed.
"Ready... Gets set... GO!" Freddy shouted as we shot up like a bullet.

We all ran as fast as we could, Foxy was of course in the lead. Then (Y/n) actually caught up with him, much to everyone's surprise, as they ran neck in neck. But (Y/n) won just by a millisecond.

"And the winner is (Y/n)!" Chica exclaimed.

"Wooohooo! I won!" (Y/n) screamed as she jumped up and down with happiness.

"I... Can't believe... I lost..." Foxy said, panting out of breath.

"Wow (Y/n). I'm impressed. Your much faster than Foxy now." My brother said.

"And the fact that you still have the energy to jump up and down is amazing." Bonnie said.

"That was awesome!" I exclaimed. " You so kicked Foxy's butt!"

"Thanks!" She said as she hugged me which made me slightly blush as the beat of my heart accelerated.

"Now come on!" She said letting go. "Race ya to the slide!" She said, smiling confidently.

"Bring it on!" I said, accepting the challenge as we started to run, the others following behind us.

~End of Flashback~

I smiled at the memory of playing with my best friends. But I never would have thought that I would fall in love with one of my best friends. I sighed. If only I could tell her. The problem is I what if she doesn't like me back and ruin our friendship, especially sinsince love is so unpredictable.

Then my stomach started to grumbled. I stood up and looked at my watch. It's lunch time. So I started to walk to the nearest place to eat. But still wondering.

What if she did like me back..?

I Fell in Love with My Best Friend (FNAF Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now