They admired the city, and were freezing under the cold winds at the top, leaving Lauren no choice to her gratitude, but to wrap her arms around Camila as she held her from behind. Camila leaned into Lauren and smiled at the affection.

Once they had enough, Lauren took Camila to a local Pizzeria once she realized the brunettes undying love for the object, and Camila insisted in paying so that this would be considered their first date. Lauren relented, only because of the puppy eyed pleading in Camila's eyes, and hoped that she never had to experience that face again, for surely it would be her undoing.

It was almost midnight when they made it back to Lauren's apartment, again Camila insisted because she wanted to drive home like a first date should. When the stood out side Lauren's apartment, they smiled at each other nervously both for different reasons. Lauren because it had been so long since she had been intimate on any way, and Camila because she had never had further than a hug.

"I had a really great day Lauren, thank you for coming with me. You made my first real day experiencing New York one of the best days of my life." Camila whispered looking into Laurens eyes softly.

Lauren breathed shakily said what had been on her mind all day.

"No thank you Camila, today despite with the drama earlier, which I'm sorry about, was perfect. You saved me twice now from emotional harm, while being sweet enough to bring me comfort food from my favorite place in the city. You took me on an adventure I would have never even thought of, and showed me just what I had been missing. You made me smile and laugh more than I ever thought possible, and I can say honestly for the first time in my adult life, I was genuinely happy today. With everything I've seen and done, I never thought I would feel that again, but you proved me wrong, and I've never been so happy to be wrong before. So thank you Camila, for giving me the best day I've ever had, because I know had it been with anyone else, it wouldn't have been a fraction as amazing as it was." Lauren told her smiling when she saw Camila beam a smile her way.

They both never took their eyes off each other since entering the complex hallway, and when Lauren leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Camila's, neither could remember why they had been so nervous to begin with.

The kiss was chaste, and full of affection as Lauren gently cupped Camila's cheeks gently brushing her thumb along Camila's cheek.

When Lauren only pulled back a few inches to admire Camila's closed eyes and light smile, Camila's eyes slowly opened, and she whispered,"Thank you for making my first kiss everything it should be."

Lauren's eye's widened at the knowledge of taking the stunning woman in front of her's first kiss, and the smile of delight that spread across Lauren's face made Camila's heart flutter.

Pulling Camila towards her, Lauren kissed her softly as she savored the feeling of Camila's lips one last time, before pulling away dazed at the overwhelming emotions inside her.

She held Camila hands as she quietly said,"I'm honored to be your first."

"I'll see you at work tomorrow?" Camila asked hopefully.

Lauren beamed at her cuteness, and playfully said,"Nothing could keep me away, keeping you safe from that place seems to be a full time job."

Camila rolled eyes smiling saying,"I'm the luckiest girl in New York, I have a Marine for a body guard."

"It's a hard job but someones got to do it." Lauren joked smiling.

Walking away slowly backwards, Camila smiled as she said,"I'm glads its you."

Right as Camila turned to leave, Lauren whispered,"Me too."

Camila smiled at Lauren's words, and entered the elevator giving Lauren a last wave as the doors just in front of her.

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