Love Or Lust? Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Quay's POV.

I woke up feeling kisses all over my face and neck. I smiled because I knew who it was. "Wake up baby " he said softly into my ear. It sent chills down my spine , and I sat up. "Damn. What Time is it? " I say. "9:00 , how long you been sleep? " He asked. "Since 3 " I say getting up and walking up the stairs. "Where you going? " he asked. "To take a shower honey, damn " I say jokingly. I heard him laugh and say "Watch yo mouth girl! " I laughed and walked into the bathroom in his room. I hopped in the shower and let the water run through my hair and down my body . I washed and got out. I wrapped the towel around me and walked into Dj room. He was laying on the bed and I walked straight to his closet to get one of his shirts. I put on his black and red polo shirt and walked back out to the bed. "What the hell?! " he said. I laughed and hopped on top of him. "What's wrong sugar plum?" I asked already knowing the answer. He put his hands around my waist and I bent down and kissed him. "Why you got on my shit for one? " he asked looking up at me. "Umm, because I can. " I say smartly . He smacked my ass hella hard and I screamed out in pain. "Ouchhh Dj. Damn. Ima take it off! " I say . He laughed and rubbed my butt. "That's what I thought" he said. I took the shirt off and threw it on the nightstand. Now I was only wearing my bra and panties. He looked me up and down and smiled. I blushed and put my face in the crook of his neck. He flipped me over to where he was on top and started kissing my weak spot. I let off a soft moan and rubbed the back of his head. He lifted his head and started kissing my lips . Slowly and passionately. He bit on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in and We tongue kissed for 3 minutes. Then he started kissing me from my neck, down to my waistline. I looked down at him enjoying the love kisses. He looked up at me and said "Can I? " . I was hesitant at first, but I wanted him to be my first. I shook my head yes and he took off my panties. "Am I really ready for this? " I ask myself.

Zaye's POV.

We finally found the dude that shot Taye and was headed to kill his ass . I walked up to this big white house and busted Down the door. When I walked in I seen nothing but bitches stripping and niggas counting money. I was locked and loaded, ready to kill any nigga in my way. I had some of my boys with me for back up, so It should go well. My niggas got aim and is well trained. I aimed my gun at everybody in there and asked where Trey was. (The name of the dude that shot Taye). One girl snicthed and said he was upstairs in his bedroom. I laughed at her snitching ass and ran upstairs. My boys could handle them punk ass bitches downstairs. I ran in every room upstairs and aimed my gun inside. I busted in 3 rooms ain't seen his bitch ass in either one. There was one left and I quickly moved towards it. I heard moaning and a female screaming "TREY " on the other side of the door . I shook my head and busted the door down. I saw him and some girl in the bed fucking. I aimed my gun at him and was mad as fuck. I walked up to him and clocked him with my gun. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh " I heard the girl scream. "Get the fuck out. " I yelled . She grabbed her stuff and ran. I looked down at Trey and smiled. He was on the floor balled up, ready for the consequences. I kicked his ass in the head hard as fuck twice and 3 times in the stomach. He was now coughing up blood and begging for mercy. I just laughed and shook my head. He didn't look a day over 21 . But I didn't give a damn. I told him to stand up and he did as told. "Man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't kill me man. " He pleaded. I punched him dead in the face and aimed my gun at him. MAD AS FUCK! "NIGGA YOU WASN'T FUCKING SORRY WHEN YOU SHOT MY BRO NOW WAS YOU?! " I yelled. His bitch was now crying and all I could do was laugh. "Ha ha, SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! YOU BETTER TAKE THIS BULLET LIKE A FUCKING MAN NIGGA! " I said putting the gun in the middle of his head. "Please?! " he said. "See you on the other side homie " I said. "POW, POW, POW! " . I put 3 bullets in his ass. 2 in the head and 1 in the chest.

"POW, POW, POW! " . I heard gunshots go off downstairs. I ran down to see war going on. I ran behind tables and shit trying to Dodge the stray bullets. I shot two dudes and saw them fall to the floor. My dudes was killing niggas like it was nothing. I told them to roll out and ran out to the truck. But before I could reach the car. "Ahhhhhh shit! " I say in pain. I was shot in the back. I fell to the ground and clenched my jaw , trying to keep my mind off the pain. I saw Jordan run up to me and one of my other dudes shot the bitch that shot me. You know when they say, before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. Well that was happening to me. Everything became a blurr and all I could hear was Jordan yelling "KEEP YA EYES OPEN ZAYE! KEEP BREATHING MAN. DON'T FUCKING DIE! " . He sounded like he was about to cry . But I couldn't move or talk,and I was feeling lifeless by the minute..........

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